E-book New Digital Work : Digital Sovereignty at the Workplace
Furthermore, within the context of action regulation theory, a suitable concept canbe identified to conceptualize sovereignty with respect to individuals in work settings.A core meaning of sovereignty – across all domains as described above (Couture and Toupin 2019) – deals withcontrol, in the sense of individuals – or groups, movements,corporations, states – having control over their environments. In the context of humanwork this means: Their working conditions, tasks, tools, working methods.Rainer Oesterreich has provided a theory combining action regulation and control,which has been used to construct methods for the assessment of working conditions(Oesterreich1981). This theoretical work may also be fruitful for the description, analy-sis, and design of digital sovereignty at the workplace, as will be shown in the followingsection.To describe human action in work settings appropriately, the whole systemic context,in which human action is embedded, needs to be taken into account. For this purpose,the sociotechnical systems approach is especially well-suited (Cherns 1976; Mühlbradtet al.2022; Mumford 2006; Trist and Bamforth 1951). Sociotechnical systems consist oftechnology, people, and organization, being interdependent on and interacting with eachother. In designing sociotechnical systems, a joint optimization of all three subsystemsis required.In the following, a framework will be presented for analyzing and designing worksystems for digital sovereignty, based on sources from action regulation, control (in thepsychological sense), and sociotechnical systems theories.
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