International humanitarian law (IHL), now synonymous for many withjus inbello, is the branch of international law that governs the conduct of war. Eventhough the main instruments of IHL have been universally ratified, however,and IHL is perhaps the most effective means so far developed to limit theeffects of war, it is notoriously difficult to implement and enforce (Sassòli2007, 46–47; Bartl…
Cows—certain types ofbovinae—can evoke strong emotions among peo-ple, different emotions rooted in different worldviews. One worldview,which is arguably a galaxy of worldviews emerging over centuries in India,has come to be called “Hindu.” Some people who identify themselvesas Hindus have strong feelings about cows—feelings that tie into theirsense of conviction that cows are not just…
he Northern Areas, synonymous for the Gilgit Wazarat and colonial Gilgit Agency and Baltistan and federally administered by the central government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, cover an area of 70 332/72 971/72 496 km². Curiously, this part of Pakistan has been designated also during the Buddhist time as “northern region”, Uttar?patha, as witnessed by an inscription from Shing Nala …
This book is about f ilms and f ilmmakers committed to reality. For them, the world is not a mere construct or discourse, but made of people, animals, plants and objects that physically exist, thrive, suffer and die. They feel part of, and responsible for, this material world and want to change it for the better. ‘Realism’, this book argues, is what def ines these f ilms’ mode of producti…
Eros mendorong pintu di hadapannya. Tubuhnya menyelinap cepat masuk ke dalam ruangan. Dalam sekejap pintu kembali tertutup di belakang punggungnya. Nafasnya masih terengah saat gadis dengan gaun pengantin itu menatapnya bingung. "Apa aku mengenalmu?" ucapnya. Bibir merahnya bergerak di antara riasan sederhana. Eros berhenti. Matanya tidak berkedip seiring dengan kakinya yang terpaku. Butuh se…
For some time now, in newspapers and books, a series of words keep ap-pearing that begin with the pref ix “post-.” As for these new words, the key to understanding seems to be a semantics of ambiguity. Post does not indicate something absolutely different but something in-between: postcapital-ism would be a new phase of capitalism; postmodernism, a new f igure of modernism; and post-history…
igitalisation and virtual worlds are increasingly permeating the cultural sector and the creative industries. When it is difficult for cultural offerings to find their audience, they can or must actively reach out to their audience. This also applies to museums, which can find and retain audiences in different ways and with different formats. Even a virtual museum is fundamentally a museum. …
Central to the practice of the modern museum sector are the principles of access, inclusion, diversity, sustainability, and community participation (ICOM, 2022). As the curators of our cultural and social histories, the heritage sector is morally and legally required to provide reasonable adjustments to ensure equitable access or all people. The dictionary definition of access is the me…
It has been seven years since the so-called refugee crisis in Europe, andwarfarecontinuestoforcepeopletoleavetheirhomelandstosettleelsewhere.AsIamwritingthis,inAprilof2022,RussiantroopsaretearingapartUkraineand the lives of its people, forcing many people to flee their homes. Forcedmigration is not temporary phenomenon, and historical, ethnographic andcity museums will –one wayor another –c…
Muri bersekolah di SMA Veritas, salah satu sekolah swasta favorit di Jakarta, yang siswanya kebanyakan anak-anak pejabat dan pengusaha. Di sekolah barunya ini Muri lebih mementingkan pelajaran daripada kegiatan ekstrakurikuler. Walau begitu, Muri tetap populer. Dia langsung masuk dalam daftar "Most Favourite Girl". Nggak cuma itu. Predikat mantan kapten cheers yang pernah membawa timnya juara …