E-book Food for All : International Organizations and the Transformation of Agriculture
The world has produced enough food since the Second World War to feed itself despiterapid population growth, owing to extraordinary technological and institutional change.The rise in world food production, however, has been accompanied by unequal access tothat abundance, as well as soil degradation, loss of biodiversity, and growing water scar-cities. There have also been dramatic changes in the world economic order and several othertransformations. They include successive food and energy crises, and debt andfinancialcrises, followed by the embrace of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the ParisAccord on Climate Change to deal with these challenges. Then, the COVID-19 pandemicpresented a tragic external shock for which the world was not prepared. The narrative onfood and nutrition has changed, too, from a single-minded focus on productivity growth ofcereals to sustainable and diversified food production and healthy food systems. A signatureevent among these changing processes has been the rise of China and other emergingcountries, changing the global balance of power from the Organisation of EconomicCo-operation and Development (OECD) countries in the (broadly defined) North to theEast and the South. A single, most important event was the US presidential election in2020, with the hope for a return of multilateralism. However, the Biden–Harris victory iscomplicated in changing to a more benign foreign policy due to the 72 million votes Trumpreceived. While Trump has departed, Trumpism may yet be alive and well and that willdetermine the wiggle room the Biden–Harris administration will have in restoring USleadership. The recent US election also presents an opportunity for a new dynamic ofhow the United States, among other countries, including the European Union (EU), willwork with allies to pursue multilateralism on such matters as delivering on the Paris Accord,Agenda 2030 and the SDGs, on the Middle East peace plan that is at the root of the refugeecrisis, and for more predictable trade and aid policies.
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