E-book Organic Black Currant Production Manual
While black currents have been grown in smaller clusters in PEI, organic black currants have never been grown commercially in PEI and as a result there is a need for a production manual so that growers will have up to date and uniform production and harvesting information. A standardized production manual will also help ensure that berries from producers are consistent in size and quality and thus acceptable to the needs of mechanical harvesting as well as the Japanese import market. Growing organic blackcurrants for the commercial market requires some specialized knowledge, especially when the plants are first planted. Several factors must be considered to give an adequate return for the grower. As with most organic horticultural crops attention to detail is critical as any omissions or missteps can cause loss in plant health, increased weed maintenance costs, a decrease in yields or increased difficulty in harvest. The longevity of a plantation is also critical to the return on capital and so great care must be taken to ensure that the black currant bush remains healthy.
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