E-book Plane Geometry
It is intended to have the first sixteen pages of this book simply read in the class, with such running comment and discussion as may be useful to help the beginner catch the spirit of the subject-matter, and not leave him to the
mere letter of dry definitions. In like manner, the definitions at the beginning of each Book should be read and discussed in the recitation room. There is a decided advantage in having the definitions for each Book in a single group so that they can be included in one survey and discussion. For a similar reason the theorems of limits are considered together. The subject of limits is exceedingly interesting in itself, and it was thought best to include in the theory of limits in the second Book every principle required for Plane and Solid Geometry. When the pupil is reading each Book for the first time, it will be well to let him write his proofs on the blackboard in his own language, care being taken that his language be the simplest possible, that the arrangement of work be vertical, and that the figures be accurately constructed.
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