E-book Women in the Workplace 2022
Women are far less likely than men to work in engineering and technical fields, and women’s relative representation in these jobs is lower than it was in 2018.12 As a result, women in technical roles are twice as likely as women overall to say they are frequently the only woman in the room at work. The fact that they are so often “Only” women may partly explain why women in tech face higher rates of bias: they are more likely than women in non technical roles to have their judgment questioned in their area of expertise and to say their gender has played a role in their being passed over for a chance to get ahead. These trends have troubling implications for gender equality. Engineering and technical roles are among corporate America’s fastest-growing and highest-paid job categories.13 If women in these roles have negative day-to-day experiences and don’t see an equal path to advancement, it could lead to larger gaps in both representation and earnings between women and men overall.
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