E-book Food Redistribution in the Nordic Region
Where phase I of the food redistribution project aimed at gaining a first view into the food redistribution activities and potentials in the Nor-dic countries,1 phase II aims at addressing some of the practical issues raised during phase I. The continuation of the project via a phase II was decided in October 2014 by the steering committee on the Nordic Food Waste project, based on preliminary results from phase I. In phase I, the work was largely conducted by national representatives from food safety authorities and national research institutes. In phase II, food redistribu-tion actors have also been directly involved in identifying necessary steps towards enhanced food redistribution in the Nordic countries.Reducing food waste has been shown to enhance food security and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, especially in the developing countries (Munesue et al. 2015), and redistribution of food through food banks is highlighted by the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) as a significant mitigation measure in this regard (FAO 2014). Thus, with resources diminishing and socioeconomic disparity growing glob-ally, food redistribution makes a good case for sustainable development due to its ability to serve a two-fold purpose: reducing the environmental impact of food production and supplying those in need with nutritious food. This perspective is relatively novel since food redistribution traditionally has been motivated solely by its ability to alleviate immediate so-cial needs among socially disadvantaged people. In the wake of the global financial crisis, the number of people in poverty has risen significantly. In the EU, the number of people in risk of poverty and social exclusion rose from 6 million in 2009 to 120 million people in 2011 (László 2013). The number of people depending on food aid and relying on food banks has risen accordingly. In 2014, almost 6 million people received food from FEBA (European Federation of Food Banks) member food banks (FEBA 2015).
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