E-book Inventory Analytics
Beside Inventory, the title of the book refers to Analytics. Thisis nowadays a concept that has been inflated with a plethora ofmeanings, so that it becomes difficult to understand exactly whateach of us means when we refer to it. The Cambridge Dictionary11Cambridge Dictionary,https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/analytics?q=Analyticsdefines Analytics as “a process in which a computer examinesinformation using mathematical methods in order to find usefulpatterns.” However, this appears to be quite a restrictive definitionfor our purposes.To better understand the nature of Analytics, it is useful to ob-serve that Analytics is often broken down into three parts: descrip-tive, predictive, and prescriptive. Descriptive Analytics is concernedwith answering the question: “what happened?” Predictive Analyt-ics is concerned with answering the question: “what will happen?”Prescriptive Analytics is concerned with answering the question:“how can we make it happen?” These are clearly complex questionsthat cannot be answered by merenumber crunchingon a computer:to answer these questions a decision maker must leverage soft aswell as hard skills.Fig.1This allegorical woodcutshows Rhetorica enthroned betweenPrudentia and Inventio; Willem Silvius,Antwerp,1561(Image by Anonymous,Wikimedia, public domain).Copyright ©2021Roberto Rossi, CC BY4.0https://doi.org/10.11647/OBP.0252.06Many tend to think that the Analytics phenomenon is a recentdevelopment related to widespread availability of computing power.However, in his work “De Inventione,” the Roman philosopherCicero states that “there are three parts to Prudence: Memory, Intel-ligence, and Foresight.” It is clear that Memory is the skill requiredto answer the question “what happened?”; Foresight, that requiredto answer the question “what will happen?”; and Intelligence, thatrequired to answer the question “how can we make it happen?”It appears then that Analytics is just a contemporary rebrandingof an art that has been known for millenia.Prudentiais the abil-ity to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason.Inventiois the central canon of rhetoric, a method devoted to systematicsearch for arguments. Incidentally,inventioalso means inventory. Infact, when a new argument is found, it isinvented, in the sense of“added to the inventory” of arguments.
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