E-book Inquisitive Semantics
Inquisitive semantics is a new semantic framework mainly intended forthe analysis of linguistic information exchange. Information exchangecan be seen as a process of raising and resolving issues. Inquisitivesemantics provides a new formal notion of issues, which makes itpossible to model various concepts that are crucial for the analysis oflinguistic information exchange in a more refined and more principledway than has been possible in previous frameworks. In particular: Thesemantic contentof both declarative and interrogative sen-tences can be represented in an integrated way, capturing not onlythe information that such sentences convey, but also the issues thatthey raise; Similarly,conversational contextscan be modeled as encompass-ing not just the information that has been established in theconversation so far, but also the issues that have been brought up; And finally, it becomes possible to formally represent a broaderrange ofpropositional attitudesthat are relevant for informationexchange: besides the familiar information-directed attitudes likeknowingandbelieving, issue-directed attitudes likewonderingcanbe captured as well.
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