E-book Chinese Water Systems : Applied Water Management in China
With increased political and academic concerns, the term “water governance” hasbeen debated that it responds to challenges of sustainable development [42]. TheOrganization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) defines watergovernance as a “range of political, institutional and administrative rules, practicesand processes (formal and informal) through which decisions are taken and imple-mented, stakeholders can articulate their interests and have their concerns considered,and decision makers are held accountable for water management” [35]. Good watergovernance thus depends on several significant factors, including strong legal, policyand regulatory framework, effective administrative and institutional framework thatfacilitates collaboration among various water organizations; civic determinations forsustaining good water environment and adequate investments [10]. Actually, the termof Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) can be described by technicaland management approaches, wherein the management approaches can be dividedinto “Good Water Governance Structures, Water Rights, Financing, Communica-tion, Human Factors and Cultural Impacts” [11]. Having a closer look to the GoodWater Governance Structure, it comes out that there in absolutely no common designof water institutions but in the opposite any culture has developed very individualways to organize the water issue. This is remarkable, because the water issue itselfglobally is not that different: water is needed by any life, is a typically regional ortemporally changing resource, from drought seasons to abundant up to floods andwater is running downhill, which connects needs of any living thing in the riverbasin in a competitive way. So, the water governance is a result of an institutional,legal and cultural organization of any existing state or society, which is at least omplicated if not complex because it involves actually any form of state structure,from the highest level (State) down to the lowest subsidiary level (communities,clans, families) [12]. This factor water institutional framework (water governancestructure) plays a strong role in affecting the overall water governance performances.While effective water institutional framework helps to shape the choices made withinwater resource management, it reflects the stakeholders with their respective goals,features the fractures and balances of powers, determines the controlling and collabo-rative mechanism among water relevant organizations and ensures collective actionsagainst existing and new challenges [6,38]. Thus, arguments have been made thatwater resource governance depends strongly on placement of institutional arrange-ments, and water instituational framework is of vital importance in ensuring water security.
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