E-book Nature Guiding
One of the difficulties in the establishment of nature-study has been that there is no field for the work. This is no longer true. There is an awakening throughout the country. 1. Summer Camps need Nature Counsellors. It is admitted that nature lore is the most important and the most difficult position to fill in the summer camp. There are over 5000 camps. 2. Scouting and Camp Fire Organizations, have the same difficulty. A few scout councils have their naturalist and others will take them on when they can find competent leaders. 3. The Nature Guide Movement in Yosemite National Park started in 1920. In 1925 the number in Yosemite increased from six to ten guides and had spread to many other parks. The time is near at hand when every community will have its Nature Guide. 4. The Public School officials are realizing that the grade teacher cannot teach nature-study without help. They are meeting the problem with nature-study supervisors. The study is a vital source for project work. Although camping is in the "private school" stage it will undoubtedly become a part of the public school system. Nature leaders are being demanded more and more. 5. The Playgrounds need leaders who know the nature-study method. 6. The Country Day School movement is one toward the naturestudy idea. 7. Universities are introducing nature-study departments. 8. Normal Schools are changing to Teachers Colleges and in the expansion of their work are planning intensive nature training. 9. From the National Conference on Out-door Recreation called by PRESIDENT COOLIDGE: "THAT THE CONFERENCE ENDORSE NATURE-STUDY IN SCHOOLS AND THE EXTENSION OF THE NATURESTUDY IDEA TO EVERY AMERICAN SCHOOL AND FAMILY; ..... THAT THE ESTABLISHMENT OF MUSEUMS OF NATURAL HISTORY IN NATIONAL PARKS WILL INCREASE THE EDUCATIONAL RECREATIONAL VALUE OF THE PARKs."-Resolution of the Conference. individuals. When these facts have accumulated to such an extent that the owner needs to organize them it becomes the science of Geology, Botany, Zoology, or Agriculture rather than nature-study. Everyone has use for nature-study and only a minority attain the need of organizing their knowledge into science. The greatest handicap to effective and successful nature-study is the lack of teachers trained in the methods of nature-study. A university professor may know Phanerogamic Botany yet fail to give his own child a sustained enthusiasm for flowers. Scout leaders who have never studied science are more frequently successful in nature guiding then the college graduate in science. This is why the nature-study teacher must first of all catch the method. It is a matter of contagion. The method of nature-study is the spirit of nature-study. The nature-study method is simple if followed in its desirable details. If teachers are willing to study the analysis of the situation and be painstaking enough to apply these rules until they become habitual they have laid the foundation for successful nature-study. This is the function of a nature-study department in our Teachers' Colleges. When the pupil teacher can apply these same steps and principles to nature conditions characteristic of a new communitythat point is the beginning of professional growth. Nature knowledge is unlimited. It will develop through experience. For the young teacher it is not so important how much he knows as what he will do with what he knows. Nature laws, like moral laws, develop best when lived rather then when preached about. Nature-study is in a healthy, experimental stage with several distinct lines of development. The purpose of this book is to make clear the methods in these various phases. Good results may be obtained by anyone of these methods but the optimum is a combination and adaptation of all. We want men and women who have an abiding and pleasurable interest and enjoyment in their forests, gardens, orchards, home surroundings, and in the immediate life which these areas support.
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