E-book Application of Molecular Methods and Raman Microscopy : Spectroscopy in Agricultural Sciences and Food Technology
Climate change is one of the most serious problems facing the agriculture today. In a many countries, drought in conjunction with high temperature becomes a significant risk for sustainable agricultural production. In general, drought stress limits productivity of major crops by inducing different morphological, physiological and molecular changes in plants (Ashraf et al. 2013). At the molecular level, drought stress induces expression of water-deficit-relatedgenes. The products of those genes allow plants to protect cellular function and to adjust plant metabolism.To m a t o (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is one of the most widely grown veg-etables in the world. Tomato fruits are of special importance both as a fresh vegetable and as a component of food processing industry. However, most of the commercial tomato cultivars are drought sensitive at all stages of the devel-opment, with the seed germination and seedling growth being the most sensi-tive stages (Foulard et al. 2004). Similarly to many other vegetables, tomato has high water requirements (CA. 400–600 mm ha-1) and water supply is essential for successful production (Hanson & May 2004).Real-time PCR is a technique that measures quantity of target sequence in real time and that is commonly used toquantify DNA or RNA in a sample. Using sequence-specificprimers, the number of copies of a particular DNA or RNA sequence can be determined. By measuring the amountof amplified prod-uct at each stage during the PCR cycle, quantification is possible.SYBR Green-based detection is the least expensive and easiest method available for real-timePCR. SYBR Green specifically binds double-stranded DNA by intercalating between base pairs, and fluoresces only when bound to DNA. Detection of the fluorescent signal occurs during the PCR cycle at the end of either the anneal-ing or the extension stepwhen the greatest amount of double-stranded DNA product is present.Expression of drought- related genes can reveil the role of their products in drought resistance mechanisms. Those informations can be helpful in the breeding efforts to produce tomato cultivars with the increased/sustained fruit quantity and quality in drought conditions.
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