E-book Ibsen at the Theatrical Crossroads of Europe : A Performance History of Henrik Ibsen's Plays on the Romanian Stages, 1894-1947
The aim of this book is to investigate the performance history of Henrik Ibsen in the Ro-manian theatre from the end of the 19thcentury to the first half of the 20thcentury.On the one hand, the quantitative analysis of data on the early Romanian produc-tionsofIbsen’splaysbetween1894and1947revealsthathewasnotperformedwithgreatfrequency in either the major state or independent theatres. Yet, it is equally clear froma qualitative analysis of memoirs, reviews and theatre historical inquiries that his dra-maturgyhadasignificantimpactonthedevelopmentofthestagingandactingpracticesin the newly emergent Romanian theatre.In other words, at the heart of the early Romanian reception to Ibsen there is a con-tradiction between the moderate to low number of productions and their obvious con-sistency. To interrogate and explore how this contradiction created a unique RomanianIbsen tradition up to 1947,this research employs four distinct viewpoints.Firstly,this research considers the diversity of influences coming from multiple Eu-ropean theatre cultures and their effect on the dissemination of Ibsen’s plays in Roma-nia.Forthispurpose,Ianalysethecontributionoftouringproductionsinfivelanguages:French, Italian, German, Hungarian and Yiddish. These tours introduced Ibsen to theRomanian audience in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Their wide vari-ety of interpretative strategies and their geographical spread across the country laid thefoundations for the rich aesthetic diversity of early Romanian productions of Ibsen.Secondly,thisresearchaccountsforthewayinwhichthemostpowerfulculturalandpolitical constraints on the field of the Romanian Ibsen productions shaped a landscapeof contradictions. Commercialism, protectionism and aesthetics were the strongestforces at work within the unstable administrative, financial and legislative structures.Thus, the constantly changing context was often simultaneously both in favour of andagainst Ibsen’s presence in the repertory. On the one hand, the protectionist and com-mercialist aims of the theatre legislation had a negative impact on the position of Ibsenas a foreign playwright in the repertory. On the other hand, the aesthetic principles inthe legislation worked in Ibsen’s favour as they strengthened the position of the canon-ical playwrights on the Romanian stage. Thus, these institutional constraints on theRomanian theatre field up to 1947 framed the paradoxes encompassing the RomanianIbsen productions. Thirdly, this research seeks to explain how the national Ibsen production historywithin the decentralised Romanian theatre culture supported the interpretative di-versity enacted in the mix of foreign and local practices. For this purpose, it focuseson the impact of the Ibsen experiments conducted by the major Romanian actors anddirectors in three key sites: the National Theatre of Ia?i, the private theatre companies,and the National Theatre of Bucharest.
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