E-book Zero Distance : Management in the Quantum Age
Writing inThe New York Timesduring the midst of the Covid-19 crisis,Thomas Friedman said that, from the time the Coronavirus appearedonward, “There is the world B.C.—Before Corona—and the worldA.C.—After Corona.” This is definitely an After Corona book, and I amcertain there will be many others. Most thinking people recognize theCovid-19 crisis as a turning point in our human affairs, and hope we willseize it as an opportunity for a fresh start. But the book I am offering hereis different. I really believe it should be the starting point for all others.Quantum scientist David Bohm said, “All the problems of the worldare problems of thought. If we want to change the world, we need tochange the way we think.” If we arereallygoing to create a better, wiser,and moresustainablepost-Covid world, we will need tothinkdifferently,and toorganizedifferently. We need to change the mindset that deter-mines how we see and act in the world. As Peter Diamandis & StevenKotler make clear in their eye-opening bookThe Future is Faster Than YouThink, the human brain evolved for thousands of years to think about andadapt to an environment that was local, linear, and largely stable, and weused it to build organizations, social institutions, and government agen-cies that now find it difficult to cope with today’s uncertainty, complexity,rapid change, and global interconnectivity. To build more relevant andresilient ones, we need to update the thinking that created the old ones.Neuroscience now teaches us that our brains are “plastic,” and thatwe can “rewire” them. The way that we experience and think about our surroundings and relationships actually reinforces or alters the complexsystem of neural connections that shape that thought and experience.Change the way we think, we change the way we do all future thinking,and what we do with it. This book offers a radically new,total frame-work,forthinkingdifferently (about everything!), and thus fororganizingdifferently. And it offers a radically neworganizational modelfor imple-menting this new thinking in companies and other social systems. This book about a new paradigm in management thinking and a new,practical model for implementing it in our personal and working lives,in our companies, in our communities and nations, and in a sustainableglobal order. It will offer an understanding of why and how “thinking-as-usual” is failing both business and political leaders in these new times, andit will advocate new thinking and new management practices that are soradicallynew that they turn everything we have taken for granted insideout and upside down. I call this new management model “QuantumManagement,” because it is rooted in the new paradigm bequeathed tous by quantum physics and its younger sibling, complexity science.
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