E-book Regions in International Trade
Export activity has been traditionally analysed for countries. Its regional dimension was somewhat neglected or not noticed. The main premise of our research is that exports are strongly diversified regionally. The imperative to conduct such research stems from constatation that exports do not come from an undefined space, from a country treated as a single point – but rather from particular locations. For a long time, international economics has not been interested in what is inside the exporting countries in terms of their lumpiness. The question “where do exports come from” was not asked. While the regional distribution of economic activity, as such, was subject to profound research by geographers, economists and regional scientists – exports were not. International economics is, however, changing. It has incorporated a geographical component, which is represented by the New Economic Geography (NEG), and heterogeneity of firms, that have different productivity, while higher pro-ductivity positively contributes to exports. The regional analysis of exports represents a domain in which heterogeneity of regions and heterogeneity of firms meet.This book continues the research done by the group of economists focused on international economics and regional issues (Brodzicki, 2016a, 2017a; Gawlikowska-Hueckel and Szlachta, 2014; Gawlikowska-Hueckel and Umi?ski, 2013a, 2013b, 2016; Márquez-Ramos, 2016a, 2016b, 2016c; Nazarczuk and Umi?ski, 2018b). The research cooperation created the possibility to share experience, confront results and verify hypotheses in a broader context. The novelty brought in our analysis stems from extending the examination beyond Poland and including the regions of Spain. We fill the gap in the literature by making a comprehensive inquiry in the sphere of regions’ foreign trade, reviewing main theoretical threads and empirical research. This book presents the results of the research financed by the National Science Centre, Poland, within the project “Regional exporting activity. Assessment of Deter-minants in Light of Contemporary Foreign Trade Theory for Poland and Spain”, under the research grant 2015/19/B/HS4/01704.The research done within the project resulted in several publications focused on such issues as gravity panel data analysis model on the role of metropolises and path dependency (Brodzicki and Umi?ski, 2017), distribution of exporters and the role of ownership (Nazarczuk, Umi?ski, & Brodzicki, 2019), the role of specialisation (Nazarczuk, Umi?ski, and Gawlikowska-Hueckel, 2018), patterns and determinants of Intra Industry Trade (IIT) (Brodzicki, Jurkiewicz, Márquez-Ramos, and Umi?ski, 2019), consequences of Brexit (Nazarczuk, Umi?ski, and Márquez-Ramos, 2020), as well as determinants of the regional export base (Brodzicki, Márquez-Ramos, and Umi?ski, 2018). The comprehensive information thereof can be found on the ResearchGate website.1This book comprises four parts. Part one “Region and Trade” introduces the concept of region as a small open economy (SOE) and treats regions as something “in-between”, between a whole nation level and disaggregation of statistical data, for particular firms. In part one, much attention is put on presenting selected theo-retical concepts useful in exporting activity interpretations from regions’ perspective. Not only international trade theory is referred to, but also foreign direct investments (FDI), NEG and NNEG as well as the heterogeneity of firms. The role of openness in the economic growth of regions is depicted thoroughly, with particular attention on the perspective of NEG, evolving into NNEG. Also, the principle of subsidiarity is men-tioned, as a concept that justifies any action taken at the regional level, aimed at exports promotion.
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