E-book Ground Anchors : Tension Force—Vibratory Analysis
The book presents a non-destructive vibration analysis method for calculating theinternal tension force of the tie rods tested.This method was formalized in 2003, and after 2 years of investigation waspatented, our patent which expires in 2025.The aim of this book is therefore to present this method, based on numerousconcrete examples.The theory and principles of instrumentation are explained. Analysis of the vibra-tory responses enables us to calculate the free and total lengths of the tie rod, as wellas the diameter of the tie rod, i.e., the reinforcement surrounded by its grout.The strength of this document is that it shows the relationship between dynamicstiffness and the tension force of the tie-rod, and the method for calibrating withstatic tensile tests.Static tensile tests are difficult to perform at height, due to the weight of theequipment. These static tests present a real risk of failure, particularly on older tierods.The examples presented come mainly from tests carried out in Brazil, the oldstructures, which existed for several decades, show load losses over these periodsranging from 1% to 5.5% per year.On one of the walls tested, a limited number of tie rods were re-tensioned.Retaining wall managers are increasingly using this method to carry out main-tenance diagnostics. This method enables a large sample to be taken, which isrepresentative of the existing situation. adio waves are electromagnetic waves of the same nature as light, which resultfrom the disturbance of electric and magnetic fields.In addition to visible light, there are radar waves, microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet,X and gamma rays, and radio waves.Our area of intervention is sound. Of sound waves need material support to spread,electromagnetic waves, spread better in a vacuum, and much faster: sound only goesat 300 m/s, while electromagnetic waves go at about 300,000 km/s. You see lightning before you hear thunder. In addition to visible light, there are radar waves, microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet,X-rays, gamma rays and radio waves. Our operating range is generally below 2000Hz.A wave is the modification of the physical state of a physical environment. Inour case, it’s a reinforcement, usually steel, contained in a cylinder of cement grout.The wave propagates as a result of local action, with a velocity determined by thecharacteristics of the material through which it passes.A periodic function is a function which, when applied to a variable, takes on thesame value as a certain fixed quantity called period is added to that variable (Fig.1.1).The period T is the time between the passage of two maxima.Frequency f is a measure of the number of times a periodic phenomenon repeatsper unit time f=1/T (Fig.1.2).
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