E-book A Dictionary of Vurës, Vanuatu
This dictionary is intended for two main audiences, who may want to find in it different types of information. The first intended audience is the Vurës language community. I hope they will be able to use this dictionary to help them write their language, and to promote and maintain the use of traditional words and meanings. It was for this audience, particularly the younger members, that I decided to include many colour photos, especially to illustrate plant and animal names, and a thesaurus, that teachers will be able to refer to when working with school children. The second main audience is linguists and other scientists, for whom I have included more extensive fields that may not be relevant for community members, such as etymologies and literal meanings.There is a lot of information packed into some of the entries in the dictionary, so Vurës speakers who are not very familiar with using a dictionary should read the explanations in the following sections. These show how to use the dictionary and how different parts of an entry for a word are separated. After a brief introduction to the Vurës language in Section 2, the Vurës spelling system is explained in Section 2.1. Section 2.2 provides a brief note about punctuation. This is a trilingual dictionary, with definitions of Vurës words presented in both English and Bislama, the national language of Vanuatu. Some information about the Bislama used in the dictionary is provided in Section 3. Section 4 presents some background information about the Vurës corpus and how the dictionary was compiled. Section 5 explains how the dictionary, and entries within the dictionary, are structured, and how to find information. Section 5.1 details the alphabetical ordering that is used. In section 5.2 some sample entries are presented to illustrate and explain how entries are set out. Some details about the part of speech labels that are used in the dictionary are given in Section 5.3. Section 5.4 discusses variants and complex word forms. The final section comments on word origins.
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