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E-book Sinking of the titanic and great sea disasters
To the 1635 souls who were lost with the
ill-fated Titanic, and especially to those
heroic men, who, instead of trying to
save themselves, stood aside that women
and children might have their chance; of
each of them let it be written, as it was
written of a Greater One--
"He Died that Others might Live"
"I stood in unimaginable trance
And agony that cannot be remembered."
Dr. Van Dyke's Spiritual Consolation
to the Survivors of the Titanic
The Titanic, greatest of ships, has gone to her ocean
grave. What has she left behind her? Think clearly.
She has left debts. Vast sums of money have been lost.
Some of them are covered by insurance which will be paid.
The rest is gone. All wealth is insecure.
She has left lessons. The risk of running the northern
course when it is menaced by icebergs is revealed. The
cruelty of sending a ship to sea without enough life-boats and
life-rafts to hold her company is exhibited and underlined
in black
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