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E-book The three friends and possalia
Once upon a time, there was a kingdom on Kaili Land called Bulava Kingdom. Bulava Kingdom was ruled by a just and wise king. The people in the kingdom shared a strong sense of
solidarity. They always helped each other and lived peacefully together. Bulava Kingdom was located on a beautiful hill. The scenery was captivating in almost every corner of the kingdom. The beauty of Palu Cove could be seen clearly from the top of the hill. Cows mooed and goats bleated everywhere in the villages and fields. The people raised them as cattle. Children ran everywhere in the
villages. They played to their hearts’ content in the village, the nearby forest, or the river. Here and there on the hill, Jamblang (Syzygium cumini, or black plum) trees bore abundant fruits.
Children happily climbed them and picked the fruits. Every so often, they would throw the seeds to each other.
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