Substitute the term ‘place’ for the apricot-cocktail glass, and you have the overall theme of this book. It puts forward an account of London’s urban landscape by considering it as a constellation of places linked by paths of movement between them.The aim of this book is to describe these places as faithfully as possible through phenomenological description grounded in partic…
Landscape is a subject of study that belongs to nobody. It has long been studied in various ways and under various guises by geologists, social and cultural geographers, planners, ecologists, historians and art historians, archaeologists and anthropologists. Landscapes form the basis for much poetry and innumerable novels and are thus of interest to…
A common- sense understanding of the ‘longue durée’ might be that it simply refers to the long term, a long period of chronological time. This notion of clock or objective chronological time is ultimately uninteresting and helps us to explain and understand nothing. It is empty time, time as a container segmented by dates and events, befores and afters.The Annales approach to t…