But what many people are no longer aware of today is that predicting this devel-opment 70 years ago would have been a risky bet. To understand this better, let ustake a moment to look back at the country’s situation in 1949. After 12 years(1933–1945) of the totalitarian, criminal and aggressive Nazi dictatorship, Germanywas literally in ruins at the end of the Second World War. Not only had…
Algeria’s high petroleum revenues1 in the 2000s prompted massive food imports in a highly EU-dependent socioeconomic and political setting. The rapid changes in food consumption patterns that occurred in Algeria during this prosperous period partially involved greater sugar and fat intake to the detriment of vegetable proteins (Chikhi and Padella, 2014). They also reflect the polit…
This book is a seminal guide to loneliness and social isolation in old age, providing a comprehensive overview of the important correlates of socioeconomic, health and lifestyle factors upon loneliness and social isolation in old age. Bringing together contributions from leading authorities, the book showcases expertise from, among other things, medicine, psychology, epidemiology, sociology, ec…
Taruna Akademi kepolisian, peserta pendidikan Sekolah Polisi dan anggota polisi aktif sudah barang tentu perlu mengembangkan bahasa inggris mereka secara terus meneurs. Ratusan anggota polisi Indonesia melanjutkan studi Master dan Doktor, mengikuti pendidikan kejuruan dan seminar internasional di luar negeri. Banyak lainnya bergabung dengan Kontingen Garuda Polri untuk berpartisipasi di daerah …
At the request of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishop, a working group of priests and laity studied the programmes of priestly formation operative in the country. Almost all the members of the group had already been involved in the formation of priests or religious. Some of them had also been speciallu trained in the area of human growth and development or in the helping profession. The…