Ketika menyambut pasien yang sedang berduka, seorang psikiater akan menggali keilmuan yang dimiliki. Dia akan mengulik semua teori duka yang pernah dipelajari di masa kuliah dulu dan mengingat pengalaman dari pasien-pasien sebelumnya. Kemudian, dia menyintesis itu untuk membantu pasien yang sedang berduka di hadapannya. Tapi, ketika Andreas - seorang psikiater - kehilangan anaknya, dia melakuka…
Renal MRI holds incredible promise for making a quantum leap in improving diagnosis and care of patientswith a multitude of diseases, by moving beyond the limitations and restrictions of current routine clinicalpractice. Clinical and preclinical renal MRI is advancing with ever increasing rapidity, and yet, aside from afew examples of renal MRI in routine use, it is still not good enough. Sever…
This open access volume assesses the influence of our changing media environment. Today, there is not one single medium that is the driving force of change. With the spread of various technical communication media such as mobile phones and internet platforms, we are confronted with a media manifold of deep mediatization. But how can we investigate its transformative capability? This book answer…
What is the state of our forests and forest soils today? How have they changed overthe past 20 years? What actions have had an effect on their status and how? What arethe risks that continue to play a role or become relevant in the future? The presentreport based on the National Forest Soils Inventory (NFSI) as well as on case studiesfrom Intensive Forest Monitoring sites in Germany (see below)…
In principle, high-precision imaging of human vascular structures, including thoseinside the human hand, is a solved problem. Figure1.1a displays correspondingvessels using a Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) medical imaging device,while Fig.1.1b shows the result of applying hyperspectral imaging using a STEM-MER IMAGING device using their Perception Studio software to visualise the datacapt…
A relationship with technology is central to being human, but it is not well understood. Humans create technology and have done since the earliest times, and this is commonly taken as a sign of what distinguishes humanity from the sub-primates. Equally, though, our technologies create us, enabling the activities and experiences and forms of social organization that make us who we are. This in…
Ablasio retina regmatogen terjadi karena interaksi berbagai faktor seperti pencairan vitreus, traksi vitreoretinal, dan lesi predisposisi yang berpotensi menimbulkan robekan. Ablasio retina regmatogen spontan biasanya diawali oleh Posterior Vitreous Detachment (PVD). Faktor risiko dari ablasio retina adalah miopia, jenis kelamin, usia, riwayat keluarga dengan ablasio, trauma, afakia dan penyaki…
Wildlife trafficking includes the taking, trading, importing, exporting,processing, possessing, obtaining, and purchasing of wild animals, animalparts, and plants in contravention of international or national law. Wildlifetrafficking threatens the existence of many animal and plant species. Themore endangered a species becomes, the greater is the value of theremaining specime…
Democratic Situations challenges researchers and students in Science & Technology Studies and related fields to treat democracy as an empirical phenomenon. This means leaving behind off-the-shelf theoretical notions of democracy that may have travelled into STS unexamined. The alternative strategy pursued in this volume is to pay as much analytical attention to the study of democratic politics …