Voices in Psychosis: Interdisciplinary Perspectives deepens and extends the understanding of hearing voices in psychosis in a striking way. For the first time, this collection brings multiple disciplinary, clinical and experiential perspectives to bear on an original and extraordinarily rich body of testimony: transcripts of forty in-depth phenomenological interviews conducted with people who h…
The contributions gathered in this open access book focus on modern methods for data science and classification and present a series of real-world applications. Numerous research topics are covered, ranging from statistical inference and modeling to clustering and dimension reduction, from functional data analysis to time series analysis, and network analysis. The applications reflect new analy…
The age of digitization can be characterized by the fact that digital technology ismore and more closely integrated with business models. It provides key supportof everyday life both in business and the private. In economy, more and moreenterprises directly depend on their abilities to combine all the potentials ofdigital technology with their business models and their …
Munculnya penyakit pada budidaya ikan menyebabkan kerugian ekonomi yang tidak sedikit. Infeksi Aeromonas sp. (penyakit merah) mengakibatkan kerugian 400 miliar rupiah per tahun. Infeksi parasit Ichthyophthyrius multifiliis (bintik putih) mengakibatkan kematian ikan 25% hingga 100% dalam waktu singkat, dengan kerugian 50 miliar rupiah per tahun. Serangan Streptococcus sp. pada ikan nila mengakib…
2019 saw a significant number of countries, regions and cities declaring a “climate emergency”.10 The year closed at 1.1°C above pre-industrial averages, making it the second-warmest year observed—second only to the record set in 2016.11 Sea levels are rising at an alarming rate, and the devastating impacts of climate change are more visible than ever with wildfires ravaging Australia, S…
specially those of the Middle and Lower Thirds, seemed to enjoy the importance of owning something which it was in their power to withhold. "I'm waiting till I've heard what you all six have to say for yourselves," said Kitty Palgrave condescendingly. "I shan't make up my mind until the very last minute." "It's so difficult to choose between you," added Ellie Simpson, a pert little person o…
Ted dan Kat memandang sepupu mereka Salim naik ke kapsul London Eye. Senin, 24 Mei, 12.02 Kapsulnya mendarat dan pintu-pintu terbuka—tapi di mana Salim? Ketika putra Bibi Gloria, Salim, menghilang secara misterius dari kapsul tertutup London Eye, semua panik. Apakah ia tahu-tahu meledak? (Teori Ted) Apakah ia diculik? (Teori Bibi Gloria) Apakah ia bahkan masih hidup? (Ketakutan keluarga…