Walaupun sudah susah payah merapikan rumah, apakah kertas-kertas terus saja bertumpuk dan pakaian harus terus anda jejalkan di lemari? Kenapa kita tidak bisa menjaga kerapian rumah? Marie Kondo memperkenalkan metode merapikan yang ampuh tiada duanya, KonMari. Keampuhan metode yang kini semakin marak diterapkan di Jepang dan telah dikemas dalam program televisi laris, "Tidy Up With KonMari!" in…
In this era of digital multiplicity, images are reproduced atdazzling speed and spread instantly across the globe, yet they trigger vastly different responses. Images are not sim-ply depictions; they become visible to beholders in the con-text of embodied, habitual practices of looking, display,and figuration — a visual regime. In pluralistic settingscharacterized by cultural and religious di…
The world’s oceans are already feeling the impacts of global warming. How may this affect the international management of marine living resources? In this book we examine the challenges that warming oceans pose to institutions for managing fish stocks that are shared by several states or straddle the high seas beyond national jurisdiction. Special atten…
The volume you have before you is the first edited collection specifically devoted to philosophy of astrophysics. Our primary aims in producing this volume have been to gather contemporary research in philosophy of astrophysics together in one place as both a reference resource for scholars already working in this subdiscipline and as an introduc…
“There’s probably no better sport than Formula E to present and study the science and practice of innovation within (motor)sport, and this book is a must read for those active within this fascinating area”. - Dr. Kristof de Mey, Sports Technology, Innovation & Business Developer at Ghent University, Belgium This book provides novel insights on management innovation and sustainability in m…
What remains with us after somebody’s death? In a poem from 1966, the Swedish poet and future Nobel laureate Tomas Tranströmer reflected on the ‘long, shimmering comet tail’ that the shock leaves behind, and which ‘keeps us inside’. Death has a comet tail, a tenden-cy to remain with us, sometimes for a very long time. Tranströmer also uses references to different media—the televis…
No two histories are the same size. Some are so tiny that you can nestle them in your hand, their translucent pages fluttering with your breath. Others range over many volumes, challenging the strength of your grip with the combined weight of their leather covers, rag paper pages and glassine illustration protectors. Some hold us enthralled with split-second events in tiny places, othe…
In the process reflecting citizen science and its practices, many questions arise.How old is citizen science? What is the difference, if any, between citizen science,participatory science, post-normal science, civic science, and crowd science? Iscitizen science just a new political term in order to obtain funding? Some criticsview citizen science as a renewed neoliberal approach to exploit citi…
Citizen science is a rapidly growing field with expanding legitimacy. Often seen as a cluster of activities under a larger umbrella of concepts, including ‘open science’ and ‘open innovation’, citizen science expands public participation in science and supports alternative models of knowledge production. This includes strengthening scientific research by engaging with a variety …
Once upon a time a prairie mouse busied herself all fall storing away a cache of beans. Every morning she was out early with her empty cast-off snake skin, which she filled with ground beans and dragged home with her teeth. The little mouse had a cousin who was fond of dancing and talk, but who did not like to work. She was not careful to get her cache of beans and the season was already …