Indonesia’s President Soeharto led one of the most durable and effective authoritarian regimes of the second half of the twentieth century. Yet his rule ended in ignominy, and much of the turbulence and corruption of the subsequent years was blamed on his legacy. More than a decade after Soeharto’s resignation, Indonesia is a consolidating democracy and the time has come to reconsider the p…
China's Economy: What Everyone Needs to Know® is a concise introduction to the most astonishing economic growth story of the last three decades. In the 1980s China was an impoverished backwater, struggling to escape the political turmoil and economic mismanagement of the Mao era. Today it is the world's second biggest economy, the largest manufacturing and trading nation, the consumer of half …
dBase has grown in the past few years into a powerful and popular database language. Hundred of thousands of PC users have automated their database management tasks using dBase. And as dBase has grown in popularity, various software firms have produced products compatible with the dBase language. These competing products have added unique features of their own.
his exhibition at the historic Victoria Gallery and Museum, Liverpool, comprises almost entirely of art works in the collection of Theresa Roberts, who is founder and owner of the Jamaica Patty Co. restaurant, based in Covent Garden, London.Theresa Roberts was born in Jamaica to parents who emigrated to the United Kingdom as part of the ‘Windrush Generation’: those who were invited by Briti…
ver the past two decades Latin America has seen an expansion in the publication and consumption of comics. This renaissance is benefiting from transnational dialogues and exchanges: in 2017, for example, the publishing house :e(m)r;, based in Rosario, Argentina, produced a groundbreaking compilation of comics by artists from over 10 Latin American …
In 221 B.C. the First Emperor of Qin unified what would become the heart of a Chinese empire whose major features would endure for two millennia. In the first of a six-volume series on the history of imperial China, Lewis highlights the key challenges facing the court officials and scholars who set about governing an empire of such scale and diversity.
Money, as the saying goes, makes the world go round. Everybody uses it; ourmodern societies would not function without it. Credit is just as crucial, as borrowingallows businesses to invest and consumers to buy goods and services today againsttheir income tomorrow. But although money and debt are central in our societies andto our welfare, how they actually function is not easily understood.The…
Permanent Record by Edward Snowden is an autobiography where he reveals how he became the most wanted man in the world after leaking more than a million classified documents from the National Security Agency.
Some dictionaries include language names among their entries, and you’ve probably seen lists that provide information about the number of speakers of various languages. When the U.S. Census Bureau compiles its census data each decade, it asks residents what language they speak and publishes that information. At the United Nations, most countries are represented, and their ambassadors must kno…
There is a great demand for renewable energy and a need to diversify the renewableenergy mix. This can easily be seen on the significant annual increase in globalinvestment in renewable energy, such as wind and solar. Wave energy has even beenadditionally stimulated in some countries as they recognise its benefits and greatpotential. The technology push came mainly in the form of public grants …