Proses roasting merupakan proses dimana biji kopi yang masih mentah (green bean) dipanggang hingga sampai ke tingkat kematangan tertentu untuk meningkatkan kualitas biji kopi. Biji yang dipanggang akan siap untuk dikonsumsi. Biasanya ditandai dengan aroma manis karena proses karamelisasi di dalam biji. Dalam proses roasting kopi, suhu, dan waktu akan mempengaruhi hasil akhir dan rasa kopinya. S…
Penulisan dokumen Strategi Nasional Penanggulangan Tuberkulosis di Indonesia 2020- 2024 menggunakan pendekatan perencanaan dan penyusunan prioritas program yang berpusat pada masyarakat atau yang dikenal dengan people-centred framework for TB programme planning and prioritization -- selanjutnya disebut “people-centred framework” (PCF) -- yang merupakan salah satu rekomendasi WHO. Pendekatan…
As this report demonstrates, women are often more economically vulnerable than men and thus are less likely to be resilient in the face of the crisis. As economies emerge out of the crisis, it is important that governments generate long-term gender-inclusive growth by addressing the constraints that women face. Although most of this report was prepared prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemi…
The economy has grown rapidly, with real per capita income doubling in the 12 years to 2013. Human development has improved, marked by a significant decline in poverty and gains across a range of socioeconomic variables. The key sectors of the economy have gone from strength to strength, with Cambodia now the world’s 8th largest rice exporter and Asia’s 10th largest garment producer. The to…
The North East Region (NER) of India, comprising of ‘Seven Sister’ states namely Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Tripura along with Sikkim holds immense opportunity, resources and unexplored potential when it comes to agriculture and horticulture. This expanse is blessed with stunning biodiversity, optimal agro climatic conditions, water resources, fores…
Women, Business and the Law takes as its starting point that the equal participation of women and men will give every economy a chance to achieve its potential. Equality of opportunity allows women to make the choices that are best for them, their families, and their communities. It is also associated with improved economic outcomes. A significant body of research links reforms and policies aim…
For each tycoon-controlled group information is collected on the different activities of the business group, its ownership structure and the background of the tycoon. This information is collected from the latest publicly available annual reports and websites of the companies belonging to the group, company registers, media reports and previous studies. In each chapter covering a different busi…
Korupsi seperti penyakit kronis yang sulit untuk disembuhkan jumlah kasus korupsi dari tahun ke tahun seringkali meningkat Poin Indeks Persepsi Korupsi (2022) Indonesia anjlok dari 38 menjadi 34 poin dan menduduki peringkat 110 dari 180 negara. Sumber data yang diperoleh ICW, sebagian besar berasal dari sumber sekunder Perbedaan terminologi perkara yang digunakan aparat penegak hukum dengan ya…
During this global acceleration, commodity prices rebounded. Copper prices, which are closely linked to the industrial cycle, increased 43 percent between October 2016 and March 2018, more than any other commodity. Oil prices increased 30 percent over the same period (figure 1.2, panel a), providing some relief for energy exporters and recipients of remittances in the eastern part of the region…
Journey To Wander ini dibuka dengan perjalanan ke Semarang, khususnya berkunjung ke destinasi wisata yang sudah memberlakukan protokol kesehatan BISA untuk melakukan traveling. Di Semarang akan banyak dijumpai deretan arsitektur kota tua yang masih terjaga dan juga beberapa destinasi yang masih mempertahankan bangunan sejarah dan budayanya.