When the guards came over, they made us line up against the wall. The guy who was hit they made sit at the table while they waited for another guard to bring them rubber gloves. When the gloves came, the guards put them on, handcuffed the guy, and then took him to the dispensary. He was still bleeding pretty bad. They say you get used to being in jail, but I don’t see how. Every morning I wak…
Not Yet Imagined documents Hubble history from the telescope’s launch through its first 30 years, focusing on the interactions between astronomers, engineers, government officials, and public during that time. It chronicles the telescope’s tumultuous beginnings, the decision-making behind the servicing missions, Hubble’s contributions to our understanding of the universe, and how the tele…
In the nine years since the last edition, I have traveled widely, applied my ideas to writing, publishing, and producing projects of my own, and done a few more "tours of duty" as it were for major Hollywood studios. The first of these jobs, commencing just after the publishing of the second edition, was a four-year return to 20th Century Fox, where I had been a story analyst at the beginning …
Synthetic biology raises the possibility that pathogenic bioweapons could be designed, developed, and deployed in new ways that diverge from the disease-causing characteristics of naturally occurring pathogens (NAS 2018). Traditionally, only known pathogens found naturally in the environment, such as B. anthracis and Y. pestis, were developed as biological weapons because o…
Funding development requires access to financial resources. While this causal-ity is commonsense, the underlying complexity and struggle has accompanied international development organizations ever since they were founded. The objective of the 2020 aiib Legal Conference and the 4th Volume of the aiibYearbook of International Law is to take stock. Taking stock requires us t…
The book series on Knowledge and Space explores the nature of human knowledge from a geographical perspective. How to create, share, and adopt new knowledge is a core question in the social sciences. Processes of learning and knowledge creation are the result of social practice and always take place in space and in specific geo-graphical contexts. The eleventh volume is the outcome of the sympo…
This book makes a case for art as geography. In doing so, it situates itself at a certain juncture—the translation of geographical knowledge through art. This juncture is blurry, because in the making of art to trans-late knowledge, new knowledge is created. For this very reason, this book won’t perpetuate a false distinction between knowledge creation and kn…
The volume you have before you is the first edited collection specifically devoted to philosophy of astrophysics. Our primary aims in producing this volume have been to gather contemporary research in philosophy of astrophysics together in one place as both a reference resource for scholars already working in this subdiscipline and as an introduc…
The primary goals of the American Bison Specialist Group (ABSG), and the intent of this document, are to contribute to the development of comprehensive and viable strategies and management actions to promote conservation and ecological restoration of bison as wildlife where feasible throughout the original range of the species. Conservation and ecological restoration of bison, as wildlife, at t…
f you choose not to read this and move straight on to In Homage to Darwin, we will not be offended. The story, however, of how two scientific dinosaurs came to cooperate in writing about their shared world view, gleaned from a combined total of more than 150 years of independent study of biology, needs, we feel, some explanation.Any two biologists can b…