f you choose not to read this and move straight on to In Homage to Darwin, we will not be offended. The story, however, of how two scientific dinosaurs came to cooperate in writing about their shared world view, gleaned from a combined total of more than 150 years of independent study of biology, needs, we feel, some explanation.Any two biologists can b…
If you are ever in Brooklyn, that borough of superb sunsets and magnificent vistas of husband-propelled baby-carriages, it is to be hoped you may chance upon a quiet by-street where there is a very remarkable bookshop. This bookshop, which does business under the unusual name "Parnassus at Home," is housed in one of the comfortable old brown-stone dwellings which have been the joy of seve…
Hawkeye and his Mohican companions Chingachgook and Uncas escort the Munro sisters, Cora and Alice, through the woods of New York to Fort William Henry. Also in the expeditin party are British army Major Duncan Heyward and a psalmist named David Gamut. Along the way they are forced to fight against Hurons led by the evil Magua, which leads to an encounter with another American Indian tribe call…