Funding development requires access to financial resources. While this causal-ity is commonsense, the underlying complexity and struggle has accompanied international development organizations ever since they were founded. The objective of the 2020 aiib Legal Conference and the 4th Volume of the aiibYearbook of International Law is to take stock. Taking stock requires us t…
This open access book addresses the question of how God can providentially govern apparently ungovernable randomness. Medieval theologians confidently held that God is provident, that is, God is the ultimate cause of or is responsible for everything that happens. However, scientific advances since the 19th century pose serious challenges to traditional views of providence. From Darwinian evolut…
The book series on Knowledge and Space explores the nature of human knowledge from a geographical perspective. How to create, share, and adopt new knowledge is a core question in the social sciences. Processes of learning and knowledge creation are the result of social practice and always take place in space and in specific geo-graphical contexts. The eleventh volume is the outcome of the sympo…
his volume presents recent critical work on Edgar Allan Poe andpsychology. It began in 2012 after careful consideration of whatwas lacking in Poe scholarship. Upon months of combing througharchives at McGill University, Concordia University, as well asJSTOR I discovered that nothing on Edgar Allan Poe and psychol-ogy had come around in many years. After more considerationI posted a Ca…
In the past few decades, scholars have celebrated the end of history and pro-claimed its rebirth. Outside the walls of the academy, in the media, it is easy to find claims that readers and viewers are “witnessing” (or consuming) history, that certain events, from pie- eating contests to war catastrophes and natural phenomena, are “historical.” Govern…
f you choose not to read this and move straight on to In Homage to Darwin, we will not be offended. The story, however, of how two scientific dinosaurs came to cooperate in writing about their shared world view, gleaned from a combined total of more than 150 years of independent study of biology, needs, we feel, some explanation.Any two biologists can b…
Explore the intriguing complexities of the World Wars. Find out how and why the wars occured and learn about troop movements, key battles and the development of war machinery. Over 2000 facts are accompanied by hundreds of original war photographs, newspaper headlines and colour illustrations. A detailed chronology highlights momentous events throughout both wars.
If you are ever in Brooklyn, that borough of superb sunsets and magnificent vistas of husband-propelled baby-carriages, it is to be hoped you may chance upon a quiet by-street where there is a very remarkable bookshop. This bookshop, which does business under the unusual name "Parnassus at Home," is housed in one of the comfortable old brown-stone dwellings which have been the joy of seve…
Kepuasan bekerja sebagian ditentukan oleh cocok tidaknya pekerjaan anda degan tipe kepribadian anda. Apakah kepribadian anda tepat untuk pekerjaan anda saat ini, atau yang sedang anda cari? Pribadimu profesimu mengajak anda mengenal tipe kepribadian berdasarkan empat pasang aspek : Extraversion (E) atau Introversion (I), Intuition (N) atau Sensing (S), Feeling (F) atau thinking (T), Judging (J…