Dalam buku terbarunya ini, pengarang buku laris Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman, mengungkapkan dampak tersembunyi barang-barang yang kita produksi dan kita beli terhadap lingkungan dan bagaimana dengan pengetahuan baru ini kita dapat membuat perubahan penting demi menyelamatkan Bumi dan diri kita sendiri. + Sampo "herbal" ternyata mengandung senyawa industri yang dapat mengancam kesehat…
Vital Lies, Simple Truths is a penetrating analysis of the ways in which we deceive ourselves. Daniel Goleman draws on evidence of all kinds - from brain function to social dynamics - to reveal how we must distort our most intimate relationships and our day-to-day lives by burying painful insights and memories. This self-deception is our means of psychological self-preservation, the currency of…
career? The secret of success is not what they taught you in school. What matters most is not IQ, not a business school degree, not even technical know-how or years of expertise. The single most important factor in job performance and advancement is emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is actually a set of skills that anyone can acquire, and in this practical guide, Daniel Goleman id…
Is IQ destiny? Not nearly as much as we think. Daniel Goleman's fasinaing ang persuasive book argues that our view of intelligence is too narrow, ignoring a crucial range of abilities that matter immensely for how we do in life. Drawing on groundbreaking brain and behavioral research, Goleman shows the factors at work when people of high IQ flounder and those of modest IQ do surprisingly well.…
Di akhir masa kolonial, seorang perempuan dipaksa menjadi pelacur. Kehidupan itu terus dijalaninya hingga ia memiliki tiga anak gadis yang kesemuanya cantik. Ketika mengandung anaknya yang keempat, ia berharap anak itu akan lahir buruk rupa. Itulah yang terjadi, meskipun secara ironik ia memberinya nama si Cantik.