Francis Urquhart is a ruthless politician determined to cling to his new status as Prime Minister. His power plays, however, are frustrated at every turn by a caring, idealistic new King. As the stage is set for a showdown between Downing Street and the Palace, Urquhart threatens to expose Royal secrets. But the new Prime Minister sets out to destroy not only the King's family and friends - bu…
Fueled with gripping suspense and surprise, Michael Crichton's The Great Train Robbery is a breathtaking thrill-ride that races along tracks at breakneck speed. Lavish wealth and appalling poverty live side-by-side in Victorian London - and Edward Pierce easily navigates both worlds. Rich, handsome, and ingenious, he charms the city's most prominent citizens even as he plots the crime of his c…
This study treats ecotourism in National Protected Areas of Lao PDR as a “recreational frontier” which instrumentalizes the recreation of human natures in capitalism’s centers for that of nonhuman natures at capitalism’s (closing) frontiers. This world-ecological practice of ecorational instrumentality – i.e. of nature domination in the name of “Nature” – presents a remedy for c…
Judul asli : Economic development in the third world : 3 rd edition
Judul asli : The 100 : a ranking of the most influential persons in history
Lebih dari 100 dokter terkemuka dan ahli kesehatan menumbangkan keahlian mereka dalam buku ini. Anda akan menemukan informasi aktual dan akurat tentang kesehatan yang dapat dimanfaatkan di mana saja. Buku ini membahas lebih dari 500 macam penyakit dan mengupas setiap jenis penyakit utama, termasuk : 1. Tekanan darah tinggi, serangan jantung, dan stroke 2. Diabetes dan problema thyroid 3. In…