Why are there such significant and persistent differences in living standardsacross countries? This is one of the most important and challenging areas ofdevelopment thinking and policy. Much of the focus in the academic andpolicy literature on‘growth’has been on steady-state or long-run average rateof growth of output per capita or, equivalently, comparinglevelsof income.But the focus onone…
Explore the beautiful and complex world of art! Too often, textbooks obscure the beauty and wonder of fine art with tedious discourse that even Leonardo da Vinci would oppose. Art 101 cuts out the boring details and lengthy explanations, and instead, gives you a lesson in artistic expression that keeps you engaged as you discover the world's greatest artists and their masterpieces. From col…
Witchcraft is often thought of, wrongly, as a thing of the past. In fact, it continues to be taken seriously by people all over the world. But because the subject of this study is, specifically, early modern witchcraft and its dramatic representation, it will be necessary to clarify what the term ‘witch’ meant within this specific context. As several early modern authors on witchc…
In March 2014, podcaster and comedian Adam Carolla initiated a crowd-funding campaign designed to “save” podcasting. A company called Per-sonal Audio LLC was suing Carolla for infringing on a patent—a “system for disseminating media content in serialized episodes” (Nazer 2018)—that it claimed gave the company exclusive rights over the very practice of distributing audio via a podcas…
“This is the death of the poem as I have faithfully reported it, November 29, 1966, as I have faithfully reported it, this is the death of the poem” in-tones Canadian poet bpNichol one day after the Dominion Day celebrations marking Canada’s centennial year. Addressing a national television audi-ence, Nichol reads these lines with poets bill bissett an…
The rise of civilization is synonymous with the creation of tools that extend the intel-lectual and physical reach of human beings [133]. The pinnacle of such endeavours isto replicate the flexible reasoning capacity of human intelligence within a machine,making it capable of performing useful work on command, despite the complexityand adversity of the real world. In order to achieve such Artif…
For more than 20 years I have practiced nursing, first in oncology services, then in palliative care. As a teacher and psychotherapist for the past 10 years, I have had the opportunity to continue working with nursing students in palliative care and psychi-atric services, as well as to supervise nursing teams. An ethicist by training, I belong to an ethics committee in a neuropsychiatric hospit…
The human mind is capable of entertaining an astounding range of thoughts. These thoughts are composed of concepts or ideas, which are the building blocks of thoughts. This book is about where all of these concepts come from and the psychological structures that ultimately account for their acquisition. We argue that the debate over the origins of concepts, known as the rationalism-empiricism d…
Trees can also be tied to the idea of domination. I have long argued that the process of ecological restoration, in which a kind of environ-mental engineering attempts the re-creation of previously degraded or destroyed natural environments, is an example of the human project to assert our technological mastery over the autonomous processes of the natural world.1 The management of forests for h…
These listings provided the now vanished cinematic geography of prewar Paris. One could chart how movies moved through neighborhoods, the de-velopment (and closure) of cinemas, and the relative importance of movies to diferent parts of town (typically around eighteen cinemas in the periph-eral, working-class twentieth arrondissement and none in the firs…