Addressing a wide range of improvised art and music forms—from jazz and cinema to dance and literature—this volume's contributors locate improvisation as a key site of mediation between the social and the aesthetic. As a catalyst for social experiment and political practice, improvisation aids in the creation, contestation, and codification of social realities and identities. Among other to…
This text explains how to use mathematical models and methods to analyze problems that arise in computer science. Proofs play a central role in this work because the authors share a belief with most mathematicians that proofs are essential for genuine understanding. Proofs also play a growing role in computer science; they are used to certify that software and hardware will always behave correc…
The tendency towards concentration in the corporate sector has been given a huge boost as we approach the twenty-first century. There were more mega-mergers in 1998 than in any previous year - in banking, insurance, oil, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, automobiles and the media. This merger frenzy has amplified the power of a handful of companies over whole sectors of the global economy. The merger…
On behalf of vehicle and engine manufacturers from around the world, the Worldwide Fuel Charter (WWFC) Committee is pleased to present the Sixth Edition of the Worldwide Fuel Charter for Gasoline and Diesel Fuel, 21 years after publishing the First Edition. In addition to this Charter, the Committee recently published the First Edition of the WWFC for Methane-Based Transportation Fuels and prev…
Dalam buku ini, Eric Weiner melakukan perjalanan keliling ke beberapa tempat di dunia untuk mencari tahu hubungan antara lingkungan kita dan ide-ide inovatif. Ia menjelajahi sejarah kota-kota, seperti Wina, Florence, Athena, Hangzhou, dan tentu saja Silicon Valley. Masih dengan gayanya yang nakal, cerdas, dan humoris, Weiner menapaktilasi jalan yang pernah dilalui Socrates, Michaelangelo, dan …
Penulis buku bestseller versi New York Times, The Geography of Bliss, Eric Weiner, melakukan perjalanan intelektual yang berliku, mengikuti jejak para pemikir besar dalam sejarah dan menunjukkan kepada kita bagaimana para filsufdari Epicurus hingga Gandhi, Thoreau hingga Beauvoirmenawarkan kearifan serta kebijaksanaan praktis dan spiritual untuk masa-masa ambyar seperti sekarang. Kita kembali …