This book covers topics in the history of modern algebra. More precisely, it looks at some topics in algebra and number theory and follows them from their modest presence in mathematics in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries into the nineteenth century and sees how they were gradually transformed into what we call modern algebra. Accordingly, it looks at some of the great success stories i…
Large paperback edition with over 450 maps-200,000 words of text - 160 illustrations and diagrams - complete and authoritative
Sex is at the core of our identities. And when it becomes a compulsion, it can unravel our lives. Out of the Shadows is the premier work on this disorder, written by a pioneer in its treatment. Revised and updated to include the latest research--and to address the exploding phenomenon of cybersex addiction--this third edition identifies the danger signs, explains the dynamics, and describes the…
When people talk about the ‘abortion question’, what they generally mean is something like this: how should we balance the protection of unborn human life against the rights and interests of a pregnant woman to control her own body? Possibly, they also have in mind a further important (but analytically distinct) issue: how should law (criminal or otherwi…
The family Iridoviridae currently contains fi ve genera, two of which infect invertebrates ( Iridovirus and Chloriridovirus ) and three that infect only ectother-mic vertebrates ( Lymphocystivirus , Megalocytivirus , and Ranavirus ; Jancovich et al. 2015a ). Lymphocy stiviruses and megalocytiviruses only infect fi sh, whereas, as indicated above, r…
ato san from Japan is a 90-year-old master of flower arrangement (ike-bana). She is still practising and also teaches her traditional craft from her Kyoto home. In the three years since she obtained a smartphone, it has become central to her work and life. Sato san arranges her students’ lessons via the messaging application LINE, on which she has over 100 …
South Africa is rich in floral biodiversity as well as cultural diversity. The Cape region1 of South Africa has veldt types, with one of the richest compositions of indigenous aromatic plant species in the country. One such aromatic plant is the genus Agathosma. There are about 150 different species within this genus, which derives from a greater fa…
Digitisation is complex and although there are many resources available, there is nothing that quite targets the specialist needs of any current or prospective EAP applicant. A potential EAP grant holder needs to become an expert in so many disciplines: they are required to be competent at project management; be able to accurately assess the amount of material t…
It is believed that cheese evolved in the ‘Fertile Crescent’ between the Tigris and Euphratres rivers, in Iraq, some 8000 years ago during the “Agricultural Revolution”, when certain plants and animals were domesticated. Among the earliest animals domesticated were goats and sheep; being small, gregarious and easily herded, these were used to supply meat, milk, hides and wool. Cattle we…
This volume presents an exploration of Digital Humanities (DH), a field focused on the reciprocal transformation of digital technologies and humanities scholarship. Central to DH research is the practice of modelling, which involves translating intricate knowledge systems into computational models. This book addresses a fundamental query: How can an effective language be developed to conceptual…