William Howard Russell is widely regarded as one of the first war cor-respondents to write for a commercial daily newspaper. He became famous for his dispatches from the Crimean War, 1854–56, for TheTimes and he seemed to appreciate that he was blazing a trail for a new breed of journalist, calling himself the ‘miserable parent of a luckless tribe…
The date is 14 October 1066, and the battlefield at Hastings lies bloodied, littered with the remains of Harold II's ruined army, with Harold himself defeated by an arrow to the eye. William the Qongueror has just earned his now-famous title, and more importantly, the crown of England. This is where our story begind - the fascinating tale of Britain's monarchy. In this book you will discover in…
Academics Writing recounts how academic writing is changing in the contemporary university, transforming what it means to be an academic and how, as a society, we produce academic knowledge. Writing practices are changing as the academic profession itself is reconfigured through new forms of governance and accountability, increasing use of digital resources, and the internationalisation of high…
The structure of the unit guides respects new AP teachers’ time by providing one possible sequence they can adopt or modify rather than having to build from scratch. An additional benefit is that these units enable the AP Program to provide interested teachers with formative assessments—the Personal Progress Checks—that they can assign their students at the end of each unit to gauge progr…
Three primary types of sunflower are grown: (1) oilseed for vegetable oil production, (2) nonoilseed for human food and bird food markets and (3) Conoil, which can be used for the dehull confection, oil or bird food markets. The oilseed hybrids may be of three fatty acid types: linoleic, mid-oleic (NuSun) or high oleic. They are usually black seeded and have a thin hull that adheres to the kern…
Hari telah jauh malam pada hari Senin tanggal 10 Oktober 1999 ketika sekelompok kecil petugas yang mengenakan seragam militer dengan sangat rapi tengah melakukan latihan yang rumit mengenai pelantikan presiden Indonesia yang keempat. Upacara yang diadakan esok hari itu akan berlangsung beberapa jam saja setelah para anggota Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (MPR) memberikan suaranya dalam pemilih…
Secara khusus buku ini berupaya menanggapi perdebatan mengenai apakah mereka yang Islamis bisa menjadi demokrat dengan membalikkan pertanyaan yang biasa mengenai Islamisme dan demokrasi, yaitu “apa yang akan kaum Islamis lakukan terhadap demokrasi?” Ketiga penulis dengan menelaah PKS (Partai Keadilan sejahtera) di Indonesia, Al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun di Mesir dan Adalet ve Kalkinma Partisi (…
Buku yang "sersan", serius tapi santai ini memang tak mampu menjawab semua permasalahan bangsa, tapi tampilan buku ringan ini setidaknya mampu merayakan kembali Pancasila melalui tampilan bahasa serta ilustrasi komik yang bergaya anak muda. Melalui buku ini, pembaca diajak menjadi "tak asing" dengan Pancasila seraya mengajak berpikir kritis: "Apakah setiap sila dalam Pancasila sudah benar-benar…
From Good to Great membahas bagaimana sebuah organisasi mentransformasi diri dari "baik " menjadi "unggul". Dan dalam keadaan "hebat" ini, ia mampu bertahan secara berkelanjutan, dengan mempraktikkan wisdom yang dimiliki oleh berbagai organisasi profetis. Mentransformasi diri dari baik menjadi unggul itulah semangat magic. Tulisan ini menelusuri sejarah 150 tahun Serikat Jesus (SJ) berkiprah d…