Ki Hajar Dewantara lahir pada 2 Mei 1889 di Yogyakarta dengan nama RM Soewardi Soerjaningrat (SS), putra GPH Soerjaningrat, atau cucu Sri Paku Alam III. Dari genealoginya SS adalah keluarga bangsawan Pakualaman. Sebagai bangsawan Jawa, SS mengenyam pendidikan ELS (Europeesche Lagere School) – Sekolah Rendah untuk Anak-anak Eropa. Kemudian SS mendapat kesempatan masuk STOVIA (School tot Opleid…
Palakka was a prosperous kingdom, ruled by Arung (King) Palakka. He was a wise and just king. All people of Palakka always loved and praised their king. However, behind his greatness as Arung, there was something that worried him. He was getting old and he had no heir to his throne. The King had a daughter, We Tenri Lawi. She had married La Tompiwanua, a prince from Cinnotabi Kingdom, but she h…