Disciples of Christ follow him, the Lamb of God, wherever he goes. They don’t imitate him, it is just the opposite; to follow the Lamb is to deny oneself, to give away one’s own wants and wishes and like a grain of wheat fall into the earth and die. This is the way to bear much fruit for the glory and honour of God.Looking at this magnificent image of Amy (Figure 2) convinces us that it sho…
A challenge is that transforming these sectors must have a focus on equity because large parts of the world population depend on these two sectors and have their livelihoods connected to them. More than 500 million small farms form part of the world food systems, many of these farm families live in inadequate housing, and many are among the approximately 830 million undernourish…
Approaches tomediating and mediated agencywere first developed in responseto Actor-Network-Theory (ANT), which has been booming since the 1990s (La-tour 2005; Blok et al. 2020), leading to subsequent drafts of an emerging“actormedia theory”(Schüttpelz 2013; Krieger and Belliger 2014; Spöhrer and Ochsner2017). Most existing approaches to mediating and mediated agency, despite allinternal d…
This book is a seminal guide to loneliness and social isolation in old age, providing a comprehensive overview of the important correlates of socioeconomic, health and lifestyle factors upon loneliness and social isolation in old age. Bringing together contributions from leading authorities, the book showcases expertise from, among other things, medicine, psychology, epidemiology, sociology, ec…
Three primary types of sunflower are grown: (1) oilseed for vegetable oil production, (2) nonoilseed for human food and bird food markets and (3) Conoil, which can be used for the dehull confection, oil or bird food markets. The oilseed hybrids may be of three fatty acid types: linoleic, mid-oleic (NuSun) or high oleic. They are usually black seeded and have a thin hull that adheres to the kern…
“There’s probably no better sport than Formula E to present and study the science and practice of innovation within (motor)sport, and this book is a must read for those active within this fascinating area”. - Dr. Kristof de Mey, Sports Technology, Innovation & Business Developer at Ghent University, Belgium This book provides novel insights on management innovation and sustainability in m…
Pengertian perjanjian atau kontrak berbeda dengan perikatan. Perjanjian merupakan salah satu sumber perikatan. Sumber perikatan yang lain adalah undang-undang. Perbedaan antara perikatan yang bersumber dari perjanjian dan undang-undang terletak pada akibat hukum dari hubungan hukum tersebut. Akibat hukum perikatan yang lahir dari perjanjian dikehendaki oleh para pihak karena perjanjian dibuat a…
He had a different suit for each hour of the day; and as of any other king or emperor, one is accustomed to say, ‘he is sitting in council,’ it was always said of him, ‘The Emperor is sitting in his wardrobe.’