The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) conducts a variety of underwater inspection and maintenance programs that include the use of divers. In order to ensure employee safety and regulatory compliance, Reclamation has developed this Diving Safe Practices Manual (DSPM). This manual is intended to be the baseline for diving policy and is designed to address the most common Reclamation diving act…
I reckon the siren like thunder : threat, distance, relation. The sound is high-pitched, continuous, and mechanical, and I do not recognize it at first. The siren does not warble; its pitch is constant. Suspended in traffic, the ambulance proceeds fitfully next to a Shiva temple and does not move fast enough for me to perceive the wave changes of the Doppler effect. Cars and rickshaws and motor…
The demand for secure, affordable and clean energy is a priority call to humanity. Challenges associated with conventional energy resources, such as depletion of fossil fuels, high costs and associated greenhouse gas emissions, have stimulated interests in renewable energy resources. For instance, there have been clear gaps and rushed thoughts about replacing fossil-fuel driven engines with ele…
Dalam era revolusi komunikasi dan informasi sekarang ini sering dipertanyakan, masihkah lembaga keluarga memiliki peran yang demikian besar dalam proses pendidikan, atau apakah lembaga keluarga masih mampu memerankan fungsinya sebagai lembaga pendidikan sebagaimana diharapkan. Atau pertanyaan-pertanyaan sejenis, sekitar persoalan peran pendidikan yang bagaimanakah yang mesti ditunaikan oleh le…