"129 lbs. (how is it possible to put on 4 pounds in the middle of the night? Could flesh have somehow solidified becoming denser and heavier? Repulsive, horrifying notion), alcohol units 4 (excellent), cigarettes 21 (poor but will give up totally tomorrow), number of correct lottery numbers 2 (better, but nevertheless useless)..." Bridget Jones's Diary is the devastatingly self-aware, laugh-ou…
In Kentucky, during the spring of 1861, every shade of opinion prevailed, from the most pronounced Union sentiment to the most ultra secession sympathy. The Government at Washington wished to enlist Kentucky heartily in support of the Union, while every effort was made by the rebel leaders to secure the secession of the State from the Union, and to have it join its fortunes to those of th…
The parents were abed and sleeping. The clock on the wall ticked loudly and lazily, as if it had time to spare. Outside the rattling windows there was a restless, whispering wind. The room grew light, and dark, and wondrous light again, as the moon played hide-and-seek through the clouds. The boy, wide-awake and quiet in his bed, was thinking of the Stranger and his stories. "It was not …
Two men were sitting beside a camp-fire at Saddle Pass, a shallow notch in the lower end of the Sangre de Cristo Range in southern Colorado. Although it was the middle of June and summer had come to the valleys below, up here in the mountains the evenings were still chill, and the warmth of the crackling fire felt grateful to tired bodies. Daylight yet held, although it was fast deepening t…
Apakah anak saya normal? Setiap orangtua tentu pernah mempertanyakan kekhawatiran tersebut dan bisa jadi Anda adalah salah satnya. Sudah saatnya Anda membuang kekhawatiran tersebut jauh-jauh, karena Anda bisa menemani pertumbuhan dan perkembangan buah hati Anda denan penuh ketenangan. Buku Konseling dan Psikoterapi Anak yang ditulis oleh salah satu ahli kesehatan mental anak terbaik di Amerika …
ILMU PENGETAHUAN TENTANG LINGKUNGAN ( Halaman 1-108) Apakah bumi akan merupakan tempat tinggal yang cocok bagi generasi yang akan datang? Pada bagian ini kita akan menyelidiki jenis tanaman, hewan terancam punah, dan rimba raya yang dilindungi, tentang lingkungan mulai dari sumber daya alam bumi-air, hutan, mineral, sampai industri, pertanian, transportasi, dan kegiatan lainnya. ILMU KIMIA…