“Psychoanalysis has never claimed to provide a complete theory of human mentality in general.”1 Freud wrote these words in 1914, shortly after his break with Jung. It is indeed true that he never concerned himself with developing an all-embracing system, but rather moved from the analysis of patients to areas of special attention: repression, dreams,…
The spread of capitalism worldwide has made people wealthier than ever before. But capitalism’s future is far from assured. The global financial meltdown of 2008 nearly produced a great depression. Economies in Europe are still teetering. Income inequality, resource depletion, mass migrations from poor to rich countries, religious fundamentalism?these are just a few of the threats to continui…
Why does the history of dogmatism deserve our attention? This open access book analyses uses of the term, following dogmatism from Victorian Britain to Cold War America, examining why it came to be regarded as a vice, and how understandings of its meaning have evolved. Whilst the field of scientific thought is committed to continuous innovation, ideas about dogmatism – with their roots in anc…
Thus we are not going to talk about the consequences that the new wave in AI might have for the empiricism/rationalism debate (see Buckner 2018), nor are we going to consider—much—the question of whether it is reasonable to say that what these programs do is ‘learning’ in anything like the sense with which we are familiar (Buckner 2019, 4.2), and we’ll pass over interestin…
In the same year he published his first Dutch poetry in the influential magazine De nieuwe gids (The New Guide). The journal, founded in 1885, was dominated at this period by the poet Willem Kloos (1859–1938), who used its pages to proclaim a radical aestheticism and advocate literature that was both non-sectarian and non-utilitarian. Poetry, Kloos famously asserted, was ‘the supremely indi…
Dalam buku “Berpikir Lateral” oleh : Edward de Bono, berpikir lateral adalah cara berpikir yang berusaha mencari solusi untuk masalah terselesaikan melalui metode yang tidak umum, atau sebuah cara yang biasanya akan diabaikan oleh pemikiran Edward De Bono membedakan cara berpikir ini dari berpikir vertikal. Berpikir vertikal adalah cara berpikir yang tradisional atau logis. Berpikir verti…
Mode bukan sekadar urusan gaya atau busana semata Mode adalah bisnis... Mode adalah industri Kamus Mode Indonesia merupakan buku referensi yang memuat lebih dari 1600 istilah mode berikut arti, definisi, maupun deskripsinya yang disusun secara alfabetik. Beberapa di antaranya dilengkapi ilustrasi. Isinya terbagi atas: Entri - memuat antara lain: - Istilah/deskripsi tentang serat, bahan/tek…