Agama Islam tidak dilahirkan di Indonesia, namun justru negara inilah yang memiliki penduduk muslim dengan jumlah terbesar di dunia. Bagaimanakah cara agama ini masuk dan berkembang di antara suku dan budaya yang beragam di nusantara? Fondasi pertanyaan ini kemudian menggerakkan Michael Laffan, Profesor Sejarah di Universitas Princenton, untuk meneliti proses tumbuh kembangnya Islam di Indonesi…
his chapter explores some of the underlying epistemological assumptions and points of departure underpinning much of the recent science-faith dialogue, which ranges from coherent, enriching, concordant views on the relation between faith and science to disharmonious debate and conflict. Discordant dialogue and unscientific conjecture, often misrepres…
2019 saw a significant number of countries, regions and cities declaring a “climate emergency”.10 The year closed at 1.1°C above pre-industrial averages, making it the second-warmest year observed—second only to the record set in 2016.11 Sea levels are rising at an alarming rate, and the devastating impacts of climate change are more visible than ever with wildfires ravaging Australia, S…