The cultivation and harvesting of sugar beets (roots and leaves) is one of themost labour and energy consuming work processes in the agricultural industry.The most important task in sugar beet farming is to improve the quality of sugarbeet root crop harvesting and reduce energy costs for harvesting. This primarilyconcerns reductions in losses and damage of root crops, as well as a reduction in…
The chapter describes importance of the Maidan massacre of the police and the Maidan protesters in Kyiv in Ukraine on February 18–20, 2014, and its role in the overthrow of the Ukrainian government and ultimately in the start of the war in Donbas, the Russian annexation of Crimea, and conflicts of Russia with Ukraine and the West that Russ…
Enhanced and Assisted living environments (ELE/ALE) have been in focus ofthe researches for more than decade [8]. Adaptation of novel technologies inhealthcare has taken a slow but steady pace, from the first wearable sensors forchronic disease conditions and activity detection with offline processing towardsimplantable or non-invasive sensors supported by advanced data analytics forpervasive a…
Wireless communication systems come in different shapes and sizes: from radiofrequency (RF) systems we use in everyday life, to underwater acoustic communi-cations (UAC) used where RF attenuation prevents use of radio communications.These two examples are of interest to this case study, as we explored the poten-tial role of reversible computation in improving modern wireless communicationsin th…
Black soils are unique soils characterized by a thick, dark-coloured soil horizon, and rich organic matter content. Due to their high inherent fertility, black soils are known as the food basket of the world or the “giant panda in arable land” in Asia. For decades, these fertile soils have been widely cultivated, and have played a key role in global agricultural production of cereals, tuber…
Indonesia sebagai negara tropis mempunyai luas hutan tropis dengan urutan kedua setelah hutan tropis Amazon. Dengan wilayah yang cukup luas, Indonesia memiliki jenis ragam flora yang banyak dan perlu dijaga kelestariannya. Keanekaragaman hayati khususnya untuk flora, jumlah spesies tumbuhan tinggi sebanya 37.000 jenis, dan Indonesia merupakan urutan kedua dalam keanekaragaman hayati. Keberadaan…
Masyarakat perbatasan tidak hanya menarik dan penting untuk isu keamanan dan kedaulatan negara, tetapi juga di dalamnya berkelindan berbagai macam persoalan. Pulau Miangas merupakan contoh yang baik untuk melihat problem wilayah perbatasan dari perspektif sosial budaya. Pulau Miangas, yang disebut juga Las Palmas, adalah tapal batas paling utara Indonesia. Pulau Miangas merupakan salah satu dar…
The origin and development of human civilization are closely related to rivers. Over 90 percent of the human settlements in Bulgaria are located in the vicinity of a river. This may be why the word “river” evokes positive emotions and associations of things pure, clean, and calm. At the same time, being so close to human activities, rivers are subject to various and quite often negative imp…