Trying to recover here, for recognition, the germ of my idea, I see that it must have consisted not at all in any conceit of a "plot", nefarious name, in any flash, upon the fancy, of a set of relations, or in any one of those situations that, by a logic of their own, immediately fall, for the fabulist, into movement into a march or a rush, a patter of quick steps; but altogether in the sense o…
Papilionidae, Pieridae, Lycaenidae, and Nymphalidae. Close to 750 species inhabit the United States and Canada, most notably the Monarch and Regal Fritillary can be found in Nebraska. Approximately 3% of butterfly species are threatened with extinction. This decline in butterfly populations is attributed primarily to habitat loss due to urbanization and agriculture. As populations continue to d…
On 3 October 1944 American forces in the Pacific Ocean Areas received a directive to seize positions in the Ryukyu Islands (Nansei Shoto). Okinawa is the most important island of the Ryukyu Group, the threshold of the four main islands of Japan. The decision to invade the Ryukyus signalized the readiness of the United States to penetrate the inner ring of Japanese defenses. For the enemy, fail…
The most powerful story we tell is the story we tell to ourselves about our self. In my youth, my story was based on my experience. In gym class, I was always the last one picked for teams. “Who will take Larry?” the gym teacher would ask. Girls told me, “I just want to be friends,” but I wanted to be more than friends. My marks in school were not impressive. I passed, but that was abou…
Despite continued advances in feline health care, behavior problems are still the most common cause of euthanasia in pet cats. Behavior problems, including normal cat behavior that clients consider unacceptable, cause decreased quality of life for cats and their owners. Behavior problems often lead to family stress, inappropriate punishment of pets, destruction of the bond between people and th…
The three essays in this section are an attempt to bring the insights of two schools of thought to bear on certain fundamental questions of ecclesiology. The two schools, which overlap one another to a large extent, are Vantillian presuppositionalism and Christian reconstructionism. Presuppositionalists such as Van Til himself, Norman Shepherd, and John Frame have concentrated on philosophical …
The study of signs, portents observed in the physical and social worlds indicating the will of supernatural agents and the course of future events, was undoubtedly important in all ancient cultures. The first written evidence for a concept of sign, however, comes from cuneiform texts of ancient Mesopotamia.
Using the digital turn as a starting point, the essays in this volume explore the materiality of sacred texts in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, along with transitions between various media cultures and material forms. The essays explore how material factors have shaped the production and transmission of sacred texts, as well as impacting the way in which people engage with, use, and perform …
How the challenge of depicting biological systems can generate productive questions for artists and scientists. An artist drawing cell division faces a problem: what is the best way to visually represent a dynamic process? This anthology, edited by an artist and a philosopher of science, explores drawing as a way of inquiring into living processes at the molecular, cellular, and organismal scal…