A combination of all three aspects is also feasible. For example, the cult of a protective saint against the plague spreads in a European region hardly affected by the Black Death, even as the pandemic itself was sparked in part by changing precipitation pat-terns in Central Asia.Perhaps it is more useful to think of the multi-level impacts of a meteorological extreme event on a s…
No one has given the polymath Thomas Young (1773–1829) the all-round examination he so richly deserves—until now. Celebrated biographer Andrew Robinson portrays a man who solved mystery after mystery in the face of ridicule and rejection, and never sought fame. As a physicist, Young challenged the theories of Isaac Newton and proved that light is a wave. As a physician, he showed how the ey…
This book will teach you how you can protect yourself from most common hacking attacks -- by knowing how hacking actually works! After all, in order to prevent your system from being compromised, you need to stay a step ahead of any criminal hacker. You can do that by learning how to hack and how to do a counter-hack. Within this book are techniques and tools that are used by both criminal a…
Take a journey through the back roads of Germany to discover the area's real soul and charm. Twenty-four themed drives, each lasting one to five days, reveal breathtaking views, hidden gems, and authentic local experiences that can only be discovered by road. Each tour is bursting with insider knowledge and loaded with ideas for varied activities, from short walks and longer hikes to days on…
The sphere packing bound by Shannon [18] provides a lower bound to the frameerror rate (FER) achievable by an(n,k,d)code but is not directly applicable tobinary codes. Gallager [4] presented his coding theorem for the average FER forthe ensemble of all random binary(n,k,d)codes. There are 2npossible binarycombinations for each codeword which in terms of then-dimensional signal spacehyp…
A spectacularly illustrated, comprehensive guide to the prehistoric world and the plants and animals that lived there provides in-depth discussions of early Earth's climates and conditions, and the life forms that flourished and floundered throughout each era. Reprint.
This book makes the case that literary studies can play a key role in un-derstanding public debates in present-day pluralist democracies1 – by his-toricizing and contextualizing them through readings of carefully selected literary texts. The debates I discuss include those on different conceptions of liberty (as they arose, say, during the COVID pandemic), on identity politics an…
From Abhang to Zodiac, these two volumes contain over 2,5 thoroughly cross-referenced entries that clearly define terms and concepts related to the beliefs, practices, and history of Hinduism. • Complete with black-and-white photos illustrating architectural, biographical, geographical, and mythological entries. • Charts and maps provide added information. • 16 category indexes direct the…
n the opening chapter of this book, we consider the history of the therapeutic use of levothyroxine (LT4). Recognition of the therapeutic value of LT4 emerged from experience gained from, essentially, empirical administration by physicians of crude thyroid extracts to people with advanced sequelae of hypothyroidism [1–4]. These clinical experiments arose from early studies of people w…
Who drives transformation in society? How do they do it? In this compelling book, strategy guru Roger L. Martin and Skoll Foundation President and CEO Sally R. Osberg describe how social entrepreneurs target systems that exist in a stable but unjust equilibrium and transform them into entirely new, superior, and sustainable equilibria. All of these leaders--call them disrupters, visionaries,…