ABOUT THE SERIES: 'Encyclopedia of World Religions' explores the major religions of the world, emphasising the living faiths & their background. It provides access to the theological concepts, personalities, historical events, institutions, and movements that helped shape the history of each religion and the way it is practiced.
Emptiness is a challenging concept: slippery in definition and elastic in meaning. It implies a total lack of content: people, buildings, objects or markings on a map. In the abstract, emptiness equals nothingness, a perfect void. Yet when one thinks of places on the globe that one might associate with being empty – the Gobi or Sahara deserts, t…
This is the longest of any discussion of the subject. The leading militarytheorists always have known that an entire war or single military opera?tions do not take place in sandboxes, but in the field of battle. Since theNapoleonic Wars, the social conditions of war, Clausewitz called it will,have repeatedly being discussed, taking into account the influence of natu?ral factors on warfare, terr…
Middle Egyptian introduces the reader to the writing system of ancient Egypt and the language of hieroglyphic texts. It contains twenty-six lessons, exercises (with answers), a list of hieroglyphic signs, and a dictionary. It also includes a series of twenty-five essays on the most important aspects of ancient Egyptian history, society, religion and literature. The combination of grammar lesson…
When discussing being stuck in a "win-win vs. win-lose" debate, most negotiation books focus on face-to-face tactics. Yet, table tactics are only the "first dimension" of David A. Lax and James K. Sebenius' pathbreaking 3-D Negotiation (TM) approach, developed from their decades of doing deals and analyzing great dealmakers. Moves in their "second dimension"?deal design?systematically unlock ec…
Political leaders face two key challenges when they decide to use mili-tary force: winning the war itself, and winning support at home. In the past two decades, the United States has pursued a technological solution to these problems by developing combat drones—weapons that can both selectively target opponents and minimize the costs and risks of combat. In this book, …
This collection of articles includes "How the Best of the Best Get Better and Better," by Graham Jones; "Crucibles of Leadership," by Warren G. Bennis and Robert J. Thomas; "Building Resilience," by Martin E.P. Seligman; "Cognitive Fitness," by Roderick Gilkey and Clint Kilts; "The Making of a Corporate Athlete," by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz; "Stress Can Be a Good Thing If You Know How to Use…
How online affinity networks expand learning and opportunity for young people Boyband One Direction fanfiction writers, gamers who solve math problems together, Harry Potter fans who knit for a cause. Across subcultures and geographies, young fans have found each other and formed community online, learning from one another along the way. From these and other in-depth case studies of online affi…
Black Women’s Stories of Everyday Racism puts literary narrative theory to work on an urgent real-world problem. The book calls attention to African American women’s everyday experiences with systemic racism and demonstrates how four types of narrative theory can help generate strategies to explain and dismantle that racism. This volume presents fifteen stories told by eight midwestern Afri…
In this second edition of A Dictionary of Diplomacy we have added a considerable number of entries, excluded some which no longer seemed significant, reworked others in the light of further reflection, and corrected a few errors. We would like to thank all of those who offered criticisms of the first edition and suggested new entries for inclusion in this one, notably Lorna Lloyd (who also gav…