The ancient Greeks loved to hang around on the stoa, sip some wine, and debate. But at the end of the day, they wanted to sit back and decide who had won the argument. When Socrates claims that one statement follows from another, is it actually so? Shouldn't there be some set of rules to officially determine when an argument is correct? Thus began the formal study of logic. Many other areas of …
An account represents a document used to record all similar transactions. It consists of a title, a debit column, and a credit column. The left side of an account is the debit side, and the right side of the account is the credit side. The balance of an account is determined by subtracting the smaller sum (debit or credit) from the larger sum. Initially, all transactions are recorded in a journ…
How the challenge of depicting biological systems can generate productive questions for artists and scientists. An artist drawing cell division faces a problem: what is the best way to visually represent a dynamic process? This anthology, edited by an artist and a philosopher of science, explores drawing as a way of inquiring into living processes at the molecular, cellular, and organismal scal…
The Whale in the Living Room follows the thrilling adventures of award-winning wildlife documentary producer, John Ruthven, on a journey of discovery - by turns memorable, touching and often funny -that has helped the undersea world flow into countless living rooms to reveal many of our ocean's mysteries.
'Privileged access into the spirituality of a pope'
his book is a venture in the metaphysics of science, the exploration of the most basicfeatures of the world implied or presupposed by science. One of its main aims is todemonstrate the fundamental importance of such an investigation. Getting this verygeneral picture right makes a real difference to whether we do the science well andunderstand properly what it tells us. The particular metaphysic…
This book presents the technologies that empower edge intelligence, along with their use in novel IoT solutions. Specifically, it presents how 5G/6G, Edge AI, and Blockchain solutions enable novel IoT-based decentralized intelligence use cases at the edge of the cloud/edge/IoT continuum. Emphasis is placed on presenting how these technologies support a wide array of functional and non-functiona…
Laying the Foundation: Digital Humanities in Academic Libraries examines the library’s role in the development, implementation, and instruction of successful digital humanities projects. It pays special attention to the critical role of librarians in building sustainable programs. It also examines how libraries can support the use of digital scholarship tools and techniques in undergraduate e…
The typical definition of the genome is often dualistic, referen-cing both structural features and its function to store and transmitbiological information [4]. For example, the US National Institutesof Health (NIH) uses the following definition: “A genome is anorganism’s complete set of DNA, including all of its genes. Eachgenome contains all of the information needed to build and main-tai…
Photography can be a fun and rewarding thing to learn, but where do you start? How should you set up your camera, what skills should you work on first, how should you be processing your photographs? This in-depth guide aims to answer those questions and help you create a foundation for success as you pick up this exciting new hobby of photography. When you unpack your first camera you may be i…