Landscape is a subject of study that belongs to nobody. It has long been studied in various ways and under various guises by geologists, social and cultural geographers, planners, ecologists, historians and art historians, archaeologists and anthropologists. Landscapes form the basis for much poetry and innumerable novels and are thus of interest to…
Presented to Stan Beckensall on his 90th birthday, this diverse and stimulating collection of papers celebrates his crucial contribution to rock art studies, and also looks to the future. It should be of value to students of prehistoric Britain and Ireland, and anyone with an interest in rock art, for many decades to come. Stan has done a phenomenal amount of work over recent decades, on an …
This is the fi rst edition of the book without either of the original authors—Tony Hope and Murray Longmore. Both have now moved on to do other things, and enjoy a well-earned rest from authorship. In this book, I am joined by a Nephrologist, Gastroenterologist, and trainees destined for careers in Cardiology, Dermatology, and General Practice. Five physicians, each with very diff erent inter…
A concise primer that complicates a convenient truth in biology—the divide between germ and somatic cells—with far-reaching ethical and public policy ramifications. Scientists have long held that we have two kinds of cells—germ and soma. Make a change to germ cells—say using genome editing—and that change will appear in the cells of future generations. Somatic cells are “safe” aft…
Sitting in the shadow of the north wall of the ruined caravan house (karavanatun) at Arai-Bazarǰuł on a clear day in summer, one can see four mountain peaks. To the west above Aragats, the tallest mountain in the Republic of Armenia, clouds catch and gather, threatening to descend and change the day from sun to hail in minutes. To the northeast, the stooping shoulder of Tełenis hefts a load …
Across the world, fisheries provide direct employment for around 38.982million people (Food and Agriculture Organization [FAO], 2020). In many coastal regions of the world, and particularly in many low-income contexts, fishing livelihoods remain the primary economic activity. Globally, they make significant contributions towards food and nutrition security, and are …
Placing Empire examines the spatial politics of Japanese imperialism through a study of Japanese travel and tourism to Korea, Manchuria, and Taiwan between the late nineteenth century and the early 1950s. In a departure from standard histories of Japan, this book shows how debates over the place of colonized lands reshaped the social and spatial imaginary of the modern Japanese nation. In turn,…