City-wide inclusive sanitation (CWIS) is becoming the new paradigm in thinking about globally appropriate solutions for urban sanitation. The goal of CWIS is equitable, safe, and sustainable sanitation for everyone. Access to safely managed sanitation can be achieved through implementation of a range of appropriate technologies tailored to the realities of …
According to legend, the Jade Emperor called all twelve celestial animals to his palace to assign them their place in the zodiac. The Pig, a lazy if intelligent creature, was still in dreamland when the other eleven turned up to claim their places. He ended up last. And so 2019, the eventful Year of the Pig (coincidentally also marked by swine fever and a severe pork supply shor…
This book examines one of the most significant aspects of popular engagement with the past in twentieth-century Britain. Historical pag-eants began as an Edwardian craze, but persisted as important events in communities and organisations across Britain for much of the next hundred years. Although popular interest in pageantry has undoubtedly declined, re…
Doing Feminist Urban Research introduces the reader to the newly emerging 21st-century global landscape of feminist urban research. It showcases decolonising practices, partnerships and teamwork, new standards such as EDI, geo-ethnographic methodologies, software-enhanced qualitative data analysis, and knowledge mobilisation. This book delves into both the institutional and lived realities of t…
Pernah mengalami kesulitan memesan makanan ketika golongan darah A, golongan darah B, golongan darah O, dan golongan darah AB berada dalam satu tempat? Bingung karena teman sekamar nggak pernah bersih-bersih? Ingin terlihat baik di depan bos killer? Penasaran mengapa terjadi konflik gara-gara si cewek tidak bisa memilih antara ayam atau piza? Jika tidak saling mengenal, memesan ayam…
Tahu nggak sih kalau orang bergolongan darah A itu orang-orang yang halus, tapi kaku dan taat pada peraturan? Atau tahukah kamu kalau golongan darah B itu orang-orang yang kreatif dan bebas? Apa jadinya kalau mereka disatukan? Jangan-jangan, bisa terjadi pertengkaran! Ternyata, selain perbedaan jenis kelamin, tempat tinggal, agama, dan kondisi ekonomi, golongan darah juga bisa menentukan pe…
NASA’s first successful mission to another planet, Mariner 2 to Venus in 1962, marked the beginning of what NASA Chief Scientist Jim Green describes in this volume as “a spectacular era” of solar system exploration. In its first 50 years of planetary exploration, NASA sent spacecraft to fly by, orbit, land on, or rove on every planet in our solar system, as well as Earth’s Moon and seve…
This book was named one of "10 Management Classics for 2022" by Thinkers50. Why can some organizations innovate time and again, while most cannot? You might think the key to innovation is attracting exceptional creative talent. Or making the right investments. Or breaking down organizational silos. All of these things may help—but there’s only one way to ensure sustained innovation: you n…
12 papers by 22 authors from the “Metools” symposium (Queens University, Belfast, 2016), aim to shine a spotlight on the tools of the metalworker and to follow their evolution from the beginning of the Bronze Age through to the Iron Age, as well as the place held by metalworking and its artisans in the economic and social landscape of the period.