Though the guitar as we know it is only about a century and a half old, its roots as a plucked stringed instrument go back deep into history. Many ancient folk instruments have followed the basic strings-stretched-overfretboard-and-played-with-fingers design for thousands of years, and the guitar is in some ways the culmination of that legacy. It seems humans have always had something like the …
Academics Writing recounts how academic writing is changing in the contemporary university, transforming what it means to be an academic and how, as a society, we produce academic knowledge. Writing practices are changing as the academic profession itself is reconfigured through new forms of governance and accountability, increasing use of digital resources, and the internationalisation of high…
As for colours I would say I tend not to use them. I usually focus on black and white images, sometimes with various tones of gray, but when I do use colours I like to use toned down, unsaturated colours to create a more atmospheric feeling in my work.
Choosing this quote from Mary Shelley to open this Fashion Week report is no accident. It reflects the state of mind in which this Fashion Month was announced and how we approached it. Like a sort of "reset" button for an industry hit hard by an unprecedented pandemic that we no longer need to name ... However, it seems that, despite the notable absence of big names in fashion, who for various …
This book is a story. It’s a story about ordinary people in very different parts of the world dealing with rapid change in the late twentieth and early twenty-first
By the time this second edition is published, the first edition of the Handbook of Medicinal Herbs will have been out more than 15 years. The second edition is designed to present most of the old information plus new information on the more important of those original 365 herbs. I submitted the first edition under the original unpublished title, Herbs of Dubious Salubrity. I intentionally left…
There are many ways of seeing Earth. It is possible to gaze at the planet from the vantage of a space shuttle in orbit. If you are standing on the moon, you can see Earth rise in the distance, as seen in the famous photograph of Earth taken from the moon by the NASA astronaut William Anders in 1968, Earthrise (see Figure 1). You can also look at Earth much more closely, on…
One of the principal purposes of the United Nations, as set out in the United Nations Charter, is to promote and encourage respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion. There has been a marked shift in recent years in the United Nations approach to human rights. The 1993 Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action called upo…
The city turned its dreariest aspect toward the railway on blackened walls, irregular and ill-paved streets, gloomy warehouses, and over all a gray, smoke-laden atmosphere which gave it mystery and often beauty. Sometimes the softened towers of the great steel bridges rose above the river mist like fairy towers suspended between Heaven and earth. And again the sun tipped the surrounding hi…