Kisah-Kisah Tengah Malam berisi tiga belas cerita pendek karya klasik Edgar Allan Poe. Masing-masing cerita di sini akan membawa pembaca menuju pengalaman unik yang penuh ketegangan, teror, dan misteri. Beberapa cerpen Edgar Allan Poe yang terkenal seperti Black Cat, The Fall of the Usher, dan Tell-Tale Heart bisa anda temukan dalam kumpulan cerpen ini. Saat membaca Kisah-Kisah Tengah Malam, a…
Kelam, gelap, dan mendebarkan; kisah-kisah yang menunggumu dalam ratusan halaman di balik sampul buku ini. Kau akan bertemu para tokoh dan cerita yang belum pernah kau bayangkan sebelumnya. Bangsawan keji dan kuda misteriusnya yang membara, pria yang terobsesi pada gigi tunangannya, dokter yang menghipnosis pasiennya yang berada di ambang kematian, seekor gagak yang menjumpai seorang kekasih ya…
The distribution of German dorsal fricatives – palatal [ç] and velar [x] – haspreoccupied linguists of diverse theoretical persuasions for over ninety years.Scholars who have discussed the patterning of those sounds include the follow-ing:Jones (1929),Hermann (1932),Bloomfield (1933),Trubetzkoy (1939),Moul-ton (1947),Leopold (1948),Jones (1950),Trim (1951),Dietrich (1953),Trost (1958),Heik…
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all member states ofthe United Nations in 2015, is a shared blueprint for people and the planet,intending to achieve peace and prosperity for all. The Sustainable DevelopmentGoals (SDGs) is a call to action, to develop innovative solutions to some of theworld’s most complex, societal, and environmental challenges. Businesses play acrucia…
A generation ago, "cyberspace" was just a term from science fiction, used to describe the nascent network of computers linking a few university labs. Today, our entire modern way of life, from communication to commerce to conflict, fundamentally depends on the Internet. And the cybersecurity issues that result challenge literally everyone: politicians wrestling with everything from cybercrime t…
What is dreaming, and what causes it? Why are dreams so strange and why are they so hard to remember? Replacing dream mystique with modern dream science, J. Allan Hobson provides a new and increasingly complete picture of how dreaming is created by the brain. Focusing on dreaming to explain the mechanisms of sleep, this book explores how the new science of dreaming is affecting theories in psyc…
A reliable, portable and easy-to-use phrasebook is a travel essential, and with Collins Gem phrasebook and dictionary, the right word will always be at your fingertips. This indispensable language guide covers the topics and phrases that crop up everyday when traveling, from finding a hotel to choosing wine. It includes travel information and tips, a 3,000 word dictionary, a comprehensive menu …
here are also a set of statutory offence provisions that proscribe speci-fied conduct. These offences can be prosecuted in the courts, and guilty de-fendants can be penalized by fines, prescribed conduct (such as soil or water remediation), and even imprisoned.Such offences are not pure criminal offences that require proof of intent. Rather, they are regulatory offences that require only proof …
This book is being published in the midst of the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, an event that was beyond the imagination of most people at the time that the project started, but one that now grips the world and is one of the principal factors in how we presently organise our daily existence. It was suggested that we might add some information to the book about these changes and…
Sustainable development represents a new paradigm, casting doubt on the belief that development can be based on sporadic and unlimited economic growth thanks to the planet earth’s ability to perpetually provide adequate re-sources to keep pace with it. That belief has been replaced with uncertainty and concern in the face of deteriorating ecosystems, climate …